Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Snaring Thorstein Guide

Once you complete the Blood Bond story mission in Wrath of the Druids you will unlock the next mission called Snaring Thorstein. This mission begins in Dublin and tasks you with tracking down Thorstein to deliver to Barid. To help you complete this main story mission use our Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Snaring Thorstein guide below.
Talk to Sichfrith
Leave the house you wake up in and make your way to the quest marker on the west-side of Dublin. Speak to Sichfrith at this location to trigger a cutscene. Sichfrith will give you some information on Thorstein. After this interaction you will need to find a new character named Ama.
Find and Question Ama
The only clue you have to go on for finding this character is that she often drinks on the docks. The docks of Dublin are located just north of where you meet Sichfrith. Head to the docks and look for a group of soldiers standing together. Speak to Ama who is next to the ale barrel. Ama will challenge you to a drink off.
Steal Key from Ama
Beat Ama and she will leave there area. You need to follow and get the key from her. Ama walks a short distance away then takes a left and walks to the end of a dock. Here she throws up. While she is one the dock you can climb onto the roof of the building nearby and drop down behind here. Approach her while crouched and hit the Steal button when prompted to snag the key off her.
Find Thorstein’s Hideout and Capture Him
Once you have the key it is time to find Thorstein’s hideout. Thorstein is said to be located in Dubgaill Landing. Dubgaill Landing is in the northwest corner of Dublin. In the middle of this enemy location there is a building you can enter with a locked door. Open the locked door and go down the path into the cave system. At the end of the system you will find Thorstein and a few enemies. Take them all out then tie up Thorstein and carry him back to Barid at the longhouse.
What to Do with Thorstein
When you return Thorstein to Barid you will trigger an interaction. During this interaction you are able to decide what to do with Thorstein through a dialogue selection. There are three choices you can make for Thorstein:
- Dignified execution.
- Brutal death.
- Display of cruelty.
No matter what you select from the choices above Barid will overrule your decision. Barid decides to confiscate Thorstein’s land and silver and banish him. This decision is due to the Christian beliefs held by the king. After the decision is made you will complete the quest and will unlock Rathdown Build Up.
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