Youtubers Life 2 Five Videos with Secrets Guide

Youtubers Life 2 five videos with secrets is a main story quest players must complete to get Adam’s code. These videos are made by finding five usb sticks that are hidden throughout NewTuber City. To help you locate these sticks and complete the main quest see our Youtubers Life 2 five videos with secrets guide below.
Where to Find 5 USB Sticks for Adam
To complete this mission you need to locate 5 hidden USB sticks throughout NewTube City. The USB sticks are green. You need to pick them up to add them to your inventory. The sticks are located in the different neighborhoods, so you will need to visit multiple locations on multiple days. You can check your Instalife to look for posts about available USBs. Where I found my USB sticks:
- Mayoress Office on desk – City Hall neighborhood.
- Player 1 streaming console table – Downtown neighborhood.
- Geektopia mannequin – Downtown neighborhood.
- Theatre – Downtown neighborhood.
- Gianni front desk – City Hall neighborhood.
- Spicy Ren shelf – Downtown neighborhood.
Each day you may find a USB at the location listed above. I’m sure there are more so let me know them in the comments below and I will add them to the list above.
Once you collect a USB Stick take it home and put it in your computer. Make a video with the content to have it added to your tally. Upon completing the fifth video visit Adam. Adam will give you the NT Code. This code is part of the main story. You need to collect a total of five codes.
Thoughts on our Youtubers Life 2 five videos with secrets guide? Drop them in the comments below.
Theres one in the city hall office in a bookshelf
The first day wasted
This article wasn’t useful. You see there is A specific USB u need to find each day. Like #somerhing and you check the trend beside your phone and it tells the location of USB
Que hago si ya no me aparecen las misiones de los pen drive? cuando me salieron no les tome importancia y creí que las podría hacer después pero ya no me aparecen 🙁
i checked all places but i did not found a single usb pls help
I found 1 at ertech lab
Another one in geektopia basement, usb name is digital grimore
Help me please. I come to AFK bar on Sunday. Nothing works. Susie talks to Aaron and that’s it. What to do? Only quitting the game helps, but on Sundays I can’t come.
Try to come at 6pm bro
It worked!!!!!, thankss
Where is threat drone ?
Gamescore also pls
u found it?
I found anytime it says “where the spider weaves its web” it is at Gianni
Where is #Gamerdan USB stick i cant find it at anywhere
In thé AFKBar, Go on right the first table on the top
Can you help with the “Find the lost item for captain vain” it’s a friendship quest. I can’t find the lost item, idk if my game bugged or if I’m just dumb so I need help haha
go to the left most side of the beach, you’ll find book there
“i’ve left it where the whloe web spider is spun” do you know where it is?
the usb name is AltheaDirtyRags
its in the basement of geektopia
Another one at sewer – near to geektopia
Inside the sewer. Near to katzia bed
Thank you for the guide! I also found one stick at the cinema!
Thanks for the information. Will add it.
Also there’s one in the VIP Section of Gianni’s