Youtubers Life 2 Attend the NewTube Gala Guide

At the end of each season players of Youtubers Life 2 can attend a special NewTube gala. This NewTube gala gives prizes out to each of the city’s best YouTubers. When the event is live players will receive a side quest called Youtubers Life 2 Attend the NewTube Gala. To help you complete this side quest use our guide below.

Attend the NewTube Gala

When you wake up on the second last day of each season you will trigger a notice that says the NewTube gala will be occurring. The NewTube gala takes place in the Theater in the City Hall neighborhood. To complete the side quest attached to the Theater on last day of the season after 3 PM.

Entering the Theater after this time will trigger the awards event. During this event the top YouTubers from NewTube City will appear on stage. The Mayoress will reward whoever this the top streamer at the time with a prize. If you are the top YouTuber you will receive this przie, otherwise you will simply be in the audience. After the award has been given you will leave the theater and the side quest will complete.

Chances are high that you won’t win the event the first season. As you build up your channel you will move up the rankings. Once you reach the upper ranks you will want to attend the event. If you are the number one channel you will receive a reward from the Mayoress for reaching the top of the rankings. This is one of the main objectives in the game for players to complete.

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