The Witcher 3 White Tiger of the West Armor & Swords

In the The Witcher 3 next-gen update there are a few new additions for players to find. These new additions range from a new quest to new armor sets and weapons. One of the new sets added in the update is the White Tiger of the West Armor set and accompanying swords. These are items free to claim, but remain hidden in the game. To help you find and claim them here’s a quick White Tiger of the West armor and swords guide.
How to Get the White Tiger of the West Armor and Swords?
To get the White Tiger of the West armor and it’s accompanying swords you need to first download the next-gen update. This should occur automatically on the console/PC on which you own The Witcher 3. To ensure you have it updated login and you need to see v 4.00 on the start screen. This means you have the next-gen update installed.

Once you’ve installed the update the next step is fairly simple. Load your save or advance the story until you gain access to Yennefer’s Quarters at the Royal Palace in Vizima. Go to Royal Palace and enter the room. Inside the room are two chests located at the highlighted map location in the screenshot above. Open the chest on the left and you will find the complete armor set and it’s accompanying swords.
Armor and Swords Details
The White Tiger of the West set is a Medium Armor set. This set is inspired by Japanese samurais. On the left and right shoulders the set has two tigers. The set has a level requirement of level 11 or higher. It gives Geralt the following stat bonuses when worn:
- +75 Vitality.
- +5% Resistance to piercing damage.
- +5% Resistance to bludgeoning damage.
- +9% Resistance to slashing damage.
- +13% Resistance to damage from monsters.
- +1% Resistance to piercing damage.
- +1% Resistance to bludgeoning damage.
- +5% Resistance to Poisoning.
- +3% Resistance to slashing damage.
- +1% Resistance to piercing damage.
- +1% Resistance to bludgeoning damage.
- +3% Resistance to slashing damage.
- +1% Resistance to damage from monsters.
- +2% Resistance to elemental damage.
- +5% Adrenaline Point gain.
- +3% Resistance to piercing damage.
- +3% Resistance to bludgeoning damage.
- +6% Resistance to slashing damage.
- +6% Resistance to damage from monsters.
Alongside the armor pieces there are two swords you receive. These are the Nine-Tailed Vixen Silver and Steel Swords. Both swords require you to be at least level 11 to use. They have bonus stats in critical hit chance, chance to cause bleeding, and chance to dismember.
This is not the only armor set you should be interesting in getting in The Witcher 3. The Netflix series inspired Forgotten Wolf Armor & Swords set is now available. Additionally you can grab the Grandmaster sets: Ursine, Feline, and Griffin using our guides.
Thoughts on our White Tiger of the West Armor and Swords guide for The Witcher 3? Drop them in the comments below.