Vault Card System Explained – Borderlands 3

Featured image on Vault Card guide for Borderlands 3.

The new Director’s Cut expansion download for Borderlands 3 has landed and with it comes a number of new additions. These new additions include a new raid boss, new Ava missions, and new daily challenges called Vault Cards. IF you want to know more about the daily and weekly Vault Cards this guide is for you. Below is a quick look at the Vault Card system. Let’s get started.

What is the Vault Card?

Vault Cards are a new addition to Borderlands 3 thanks to the introduction of Season 2. This new season added a new set of Daily Challenges and Weekly Challenges called Vault Cards. Vault Cards are located in their own screen to the right of the Events Tab. This screen shows you a few important things:

  • Daily Challenges: Total of three to complete each day. Refresh daily at 9:00 AM PT / 12:00 PM ET / 5:00 PM UTC.
  • Weekly Challenges: One available per week to complete. Refreshes Thursdays at 9:00 AM PT / 12:00 PM ET / 5:00 PM UTC.

Completing the above mentioned challenges earns you special Vault Card XP. This XP contributes to your Vault Card Points Level Progress. Simply playing the game will add further XP to your progress as well. Each time you level up your card you earn an openable chest.

What are Vault Card Chests?

Image showing a chest reward in Borderlands 3.

Once you reach a new level of the Vault Card you earn a Season Pass chest you can open. These chests are accessible from the card screen by pressing the “Open Chest” button. Once the button is pressed you go to a screen that shows the chest opening. There are a variety of rewards that can come from these chests. The most common is Season Pass Keys. The rarer items you can get are 125x Eridium, Season Pass Items, and Diamond Keys.

Vault Card Season Rewards

As you open the Vault Card chests you will receive a ton of regular keys. These keys serve an important purpose. Within each of the season passes there is a collection of items. These items revolve around specific themes. The regular keys from the chests are spent to unlock the different season rewards. Once you have enough of the keys for the item you want to unlock simply hover over it and hit “Unlock Item” this will purchase the items and add it to your inventory. Gearbox has multiple seasons planned for release so there will be a ton of rewards to unlock.

That’s all you need to know about the Vault Card system in Borderlands 3. This new system is the game’s attempt at a battlepass. This battlepass. Do to its nature you will want to login to the game regularly to get all the seasonal rewards. These rewards include things like new weapons, skins, and emotes.

Thoughts on our look at the Vault Card system? Drop them in The Pit below.



A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

18 responses

  1. blake says:

    I’d really like a shooter from vault card 2, but I’m currently on v.c. 1. is there any way to change vault cards and progress from 1 to 2?

  2. Ckp says:

    How do I deactivate vault cards so I can continue leveling up ?

  3. bombastinator says:

    I still need to know what raises vault card levels. Exploring new areas? killing mobs? gaining story advancement? I’m trying to use vault keys to twink a toon. I’m attempting to finish the game at the lowest level possible, which doesnt seem to be all that low. the toon only even fires when it’s a boss or one of those “kill everything to advance the story” circles. still at lvl 30 though :/ Facing general Traunt and my butt is getting repetitively kicked. there are some mighty powerful items in the vault cards and I’m hoping I can use chests to twink the toon enough that I can get past the mob.

  4. David says:

    When I open a chest and I get a key, the key doesn’t actually get added to my total. Anyone else having this problem?

  5. Desmond Xavius says:

    i didn’t see mine till i started arms race

  6. Richard says:

    Is there ever going to be more then one vault card? I have been finished with fallen hero’s for awhile.

  7. kyle says:

    how to get a vault card

  8. Bigdazzler says:

    Daily challenges not resetting for at least 3 days, level 28 vault chests and not one diamond key yet
    Well, this was money well spent! 😑

  9. Mike says:

    It is no doubt a glitch that Gear Box has yet to address. My PS4 has it working well enough but no doubt some computer systems have a glitch or two. (aiming with a mouse is sooo much better than a joystick) Hopefully, with enough complaints, Gear Box will address the probs sooner than later.

  10. Joel says:

    I’ve bought the directors cut but I don’t have access to this tab.

  11. Jon Rickher says:

    I am missing that tab. My echo menu only shows up to events.

  12. PhantomBurn says:

    It’s a new tab when you go into the echo menu (backpack, fast travel, etc) there should be a new tab at the very end.

  13. Keith says:

    You freaking suck! How the hell do you activate a vault card? I have the DLC but the vault cards aren’t active!

    • GniQQ says:

      You do not activate them, they are a feature. If you mean how to unlock rewards, it is explained here already. Do the mission and play. You get XP, level it up and get a chest that has some keys. Keep doing it, get a lot of keys, open rewards with them keys. End of story. No need to be rude.

      • Andrew says:

        For some people the content is not appearing where it should be. You are missing this point. Hence the other person’s frustration. My wife just downloaded the Director’s cut and the tab where the vault card should be is not there. People are trying to find a solution to access the content.

  14. john says:

    I bought the dlc and still don’t have a vault card ?

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