The Dead City Collectibles Locations – Metro Exodus

The Dead City Collectibles Locations in Metro Exodus

The final level in Metro Exodus is The Dead City. There are a number of collectibles in the city for you to find. This guide will show you all The Dead City collectibles locations in Metro Exodus.

The Dead City Collectibles List

There are a number of collectibles for you to find in The Dead City. Here’s a list of them all:

  • Diary Pages: 8
  • Postcard: 2

If you miss any of the these collectibles, you can replay the mission via the Chapter Select screen on the Main Menu.

The Dead City Collectibles Location Map

The Dead City Collectibles Location Map in Metro Exodus
Click to enlarge.

The above map shows all ten of the collectibles locations. For further detail, read the corresponding numbers below. I tried to put these in order of travel.

The Dead City Postcard 1: On Locker in Metro

The Dead City Postcard 1 On Locker in Metro
The Postcard can be found on a locker in the Metro.

After you and Miller drive then walk, you will enter the metro. Make your way through the tunnels of mutants until you reach a room. In this room the postcard is on a locker.

The Dead City Diary 1: Radiogram Transcript – On Desk in Sewer

The Dead City Diary 1 Radiogram Transcript - On Desk in Sewer
On a desk in the room with the hanging cages is a diary.

As you and Miller continue you will need to go into the sewer system. When you do this make your way along until you reach a room with a bunch of suspended cages. In this room on the wall to the right is a desk. On the desk is the Radiogram Transcript.

The Dead City Diary 2: Weathered Report – On Desk in Metro Control Room

The Dead City Diary 2 Weathered Report - On Desk in Metro Control Room
In the metro control room you will find this diary.

You and Miller will get back into the metro and will travel quite a ways until you are essentially off map. At the spot indicated on the map above, you will reach a room with a bunch of consoles and servers (along with a map of the subway Miller will look at). On a desk is the Weathered Report.

The Dead City Diary 3: Orders – In Kirill’s Safehouse

The Dead City Diary 3 Orders - Kirill's Safehouse
In Kirill’s safe house there are orders.

As you progress the story you will chase a kid. Once you’ve caught the kid he will take you to his commanding officer. Eventually you will reach a safe area with plants and a radio. Go up to the board to get the diary page.

The Dead City Postcard 2: In Kirill’s Safe House

You will find a postcard in Kirill’s safe house.

The second postcard can be found in Kirill’s safe house on the column beside the sniper rifle.

The Dead City Diary 4: Notebook – On Train

The Dead City Diary 4 Notebook - On Train
The Notebook is on the train as you leave the safe house.

As soon as you leave Kirill’s safe house, head up the stairs and follow the corridor to the train. Get on the train and you will find the Notebook on the seat to your right.

The Dead City Diary 5: Worn-Out Diary – Room Behind Locked Door in Flooded Room

The Dead City Diary 5 Worn-Out Diary - Room Behind Locked Door in Flooded Room
Behind the locked door you will find this diary.

Make your way from Kirill’s safe house to the row boat. Once at the row boat, take it out onto the water and dock at the first dock you encounter. Go inside the room and walk all the way around until you reach a door you need to shimmy through. Shimmy through the door then use the fallen lockers to climb into the other room. In this room is the Worn-Out Diary on the desk.

The Dead City Diary 6: Browned Note – Green Room Door in Metro

The Dead City Diary 6 Browned Note - Green Room Door in Metro
As you follow Anna, look for a green door that is open to reach this room.

In the sequence where you follow Anna, go up the escalators then take a right. In the hallway look for a green door that’s open on your left. Go inside to find the Browned Note on the desk.

The Dead City Diary 7: Dusty Notebook – On Corpse in Snow

The Dead City Diary 7 Dusty Notebook - On Corpse in Snow
At the dead end near the tank you will find the note.

Make your way out into the world. Walk along until you find a tank that has fallen through the snow. Dropped down the hole into the area below. Turn left when facing the tank and walk all the way to the dead end to find the Dusty Notebook on a corpse.

The Dead City Diary 8: Shipping List – Behind Blue Door in Hospital

The Dead City Diary 8 Shipping List - Behind Blue Door in Hospital
Behind a blue door at the bottom of a staircase is the last collectible.

Head through the hospital until you meet the blind ones. Evade the blind ones and make your way deeper until you have anna hallucination of her on a bridge between two buildings. Drop down into the other building and walk forward. On the right side of the room there is a door being held open by a corpse. Go through the door and drop onto the stairs below. Open the blue door to reveal the final collectible.

That’s all the locations of the collectibles in The Dead City. If you’ve been following our collectibles guide you will earn both the Old world pictures and Librarian Trophies/Achievements. If you’ve dropped in on this post, check out our hub for Metro Exodus collectibles here.

Thoughts on our guide to The Dead City collectibles locations? Let us know in The Pit below.



Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

2 responses

  1. DxM says:

    FYI, you marked at the top that there is only one Postcard to collect in this chapter. I saw you have both of them in the actual guide, but you might want to fix it at the top.

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