Starfield: Eternity’s Gate Legendary Weapon

The Starfield Eternity’s Gate weapon is a special Legendary Particle Beam Rifle players can acquire by making a very specific decision during a main questline. This decision shapes which outcome you get on a later mission that lets you acquire this weapon. To learn what that decision is and how to get the Eternity’s Gate for yourself, consult our guide below.
Side with The Hunter or Neither of Them During Unearthed Mission
NOTE: If you want to get both the Eternity’s Gate and the Unmitigated Violence Legendary weapons in a single-playthrough, choose to go alone. This is the much harder option, but gives you both weapons for completing it.
To get Eternity’s Gate you need make a special decision during the main story mission called Unearthed. At the end of Unearthed you leave the NASA Flight Tower and meet with both The Emissary and The Hunter. Both NPCs ask you to decide which of them you choose to ally with. During this sequence you are presented three choices:
- The Emissary is right. The Artifacts need to be in the right hands.
- The Hunter is right. The only real rule is who gets all the Artifacts first.
- You’re both wrong. It’s time someone other than a Starborn made a decision.
To get Eternity’s Gate you need to either align yourself with The Hunter or choose to go alone. Select either of these choices sets up the boss fight you must complete in the story mission called Revelation.
Defeat The Emissary During the Revelation Mission
Once you’ve made your decision you need to advance forward through the story until you reach the Revelation mission. During Revelation you fight your way through an area called the Buried Temple. At the bottom of the Buried Temple you will encounter a boss fight. Depending on your choice you will face the following:
- The Emissary with The Hunter as your ally.
- The Emissary and The Hunter if you chose to go alone.
When you complete this boss fight you will be able to loot the Eternity’s Gate weapon off of the corpse of The Emissary (among other things). This adds the weapon to your inventory.
Eternity’s Gate Stats & Details
The Eternity’s Gate Legendary Particle Beam Rifle is one of the game’s stronger weapons you can get. This Legendary weapon comes fully loaded with a slew of interesting mods and good stats. The full details are:
- Skip Shot: Every fourth shot fires two projectiles at once.
- Handloading: Volatile rounds that are designed to pack a bigger punch, but aren’t as stable and can fail on occasion.
- Anti-Personnel: +10% damage against humans.
- Long Barrel.
- Recon Laser Sight.
- Short Scope.
- Tactical Magazine.
Like other weapons in the game you can change the equipped mods on the Eternity’s Gate by using a Weapon Workbench. This means you can play around with different builds to really get the most out of this weapon.
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