Oikos of the Olympians in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

Assassin's Creed Odyssey Sargon character.

In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Oikos of the Olympians serves as a special vendor, much like Xur from the Destiny series. This vendor offers powerful gear and items that you can’t find anywhere else in the game. Here’s what you need to know about Oikos and how to make the most of his wares.

Who is Oikos?

You’ll first encounter Oikos of the Olympians in Pilgrim’s Landing, located in Phokis. When you meet him, he’ll explain that he sells rare items in exchange for a special currency: Orichalcum Ore. Orichalcum Ore is obtained through Daily and Weekly contracts, as well as by collecting Fragments scattered across Greece. Once you’ve accumulated enough Orichalcum Ore, return to Oikos to purchase his exclusive items.

What Does Oikos Sell?

Oikos specializes in Epic and Legendary gear. Each week, he offers four items for sale, with the stock refreshing every Tuesday. The items range from powerful weapons and equipment to special ship upgrades. Here’s what you need to know about the shop’s offerings:

  • Epic Items: 40 Orichalcum Ore each
  • Legendary Items: 100 Orichalcum Ore each
  • Olympian Gifts: These loot boxes cost 20 Orichalcum Ore and contain one random Epic to Legendary item. This could be a new piece of gear for your character or ship, including items available in the in-game store.

To stay updated on what’s for sale at Oikos of the Olympians, check out our weekly guide featuring Sargon’s latest shop items.

Why Should You Visit Oikos?

If you’re looking to equip your character with some of the best gear in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, Oikos is the vendor to visit. Not only does he offer powerful items, but the Olympian Gifts are a fun way to get your hands on rare loot that might be hard to find elsewhere.

Whether you’re a completionist or looking to boost your power, Oikos of the Olympians should be on your radar for weekly visits.

With Oikos of the Olympians offering valuable items, you’ll want to explore as much of the world as possible. To make your journey easier, be sure to check out our guides on how to unlock fast travel and how to solve the mirror puzzle. These will help you navigate the vast world of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey more efficiently and get the most out of your adventure.

Thoughts on this Special Vendor Oikos of the Olympians explainer? Drop them in the comments below.



Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

12 responses

  1. Lotus Hamilton says:

    I totally know what its like to have limited $ and limited bandwidth. It IS dissapointing, the pay to win part of gaming. I know its not much consolation, but I just coffed up 15$ US, for the Hellos pack, and wish I had the money back to buy lottery tickets, or groceries! Lol IMHO, this game is the best in the series in terms of base game content and there really is nothing in the Helix store worth the bux. Hang in there, Eagle Bearer! 😉

  2. Twiztid_Psyco says:

    Is oikos of the Olympians only available online?

  3. XDarkPhoenixX says:

    The only point to this vendor is the olympian gift loot box. It gives a chance at getting items you would otherwise have to buy with helix credits. My friends got Hourglass in one (Lucky ****).

    The armour/weapon part is pointless as you can just get them by playing the game. Unless you find something that looks cool and ur gonna keep upgrading it I guess….

    But yea, Olympian Gift.

    • enricofairme says:

      I feel like they should make him more like Xur. Have him sell 4 Legendaries and the Olympian Gift. Maybe give him like an Olympian set that can only be acquired from him.

    • Kodkuna says:

      Not quite. The epic armor is useless, yeah, but every now and then (if not always) the legendary item is from the shop. Last week I got a legendary crew theme for 80 Orichalcum

  4. Uther says:

    My thoughts are that it’s stupid. Orichalcum is a mineral that is saved server side. So no getting Orichalcum when you’re playing offline. This now means Assassin’s Creed is a job. You have to farm mission after mission for a little Orichalcum over and over again to get a chance at getting Legendary equipment. You can’t cheat it, which is crap for people like me who have limited time to play the game, yet want to enjoy the spoils of Legendary equipment. I paid $110 CAD for this game, only for stuff in the game to be basically locked behind paywalls.

    This is the last time I buy an Ubisoft game.

    • enricofairme says:

      It is definitely a very mobile/mmo type addition. With that said there are a number of ways to get Legendary equipment by simply playing the game.

    • Saer says:

      Except they had this exact system in origins and it did not break the game. you can get any armor that Oikos sells just from playing the game normally. Personally i don’t see the point in buying any of his gear because it will just become useless in the future when i’m a higher level and can find said piece of armor again in the future.

    • Kodpuna says:

      You can also just not use the shop. Or farm the ore over time, the quests each take maybe 10 minutes (some can be completed while doing other quests) and it’s not like you only get 1 ore per quest.

    • Joni Christopher says:

      Omg you’re not going to buy anymore of these games because you cant get alittle loot? Wow

    • dude says:

      chill man, just loot legendary chest or kill cultist members if u want decent gear. you don’t necessary have to do the challenges and pay the orichalcum to get good gear.

    • Brewer Brain says:

      So basically, you’re pissed because you paid a lot of money for a game that you can’t rush through? I doubt the sales and marketing folks considered this demographic.

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