South Park: The Fractured But Whole Boss List

There are a ton of boss fights in South Park: The Fractured But Whole. These fights take place throughout the game and make up the bulk of the game’s combat. You will find five more bosses below.
Bosses on this page:
- Shub – Niggurath
- Timmy
- All Enemies
- Mitch Conner
- Pimp
Shub – Niggurath (Main Story)
Location: Police Station
As you make your way deeper into the Police Station, you will eventually reach the final boss fight. Here you fight Shub – Niggurath who is a different type of fight then you’ve experienced up to this point. You need to feed Shub – Niggurath white meat (basically knock enemies into the red area).
Timmy (Main Story)
Location: Outside Police Station
After defeating Shub – Niggurath, you will automatically head outside. Here you will fight Timmy, who uses mind control to turn the Coon and Friends against you.
All Enemies (Main Story)
Location: Outside Tweek’s
As you follow the main story, you will be summoned to complete a number of tasks for Mitch Conner. When you leave the Tweek Bros portion of the quest, you will trigger the All Enemies boss fight. Like it sounds, this fight consists of all the overworld enemies you’ve faced (ninjas, raisins girls, sixth graders, etc.).
Mitch Conner (Main Story)
Location: Community Center
Complete Mitch Conner’s quest and you will eventually arrive at the Community Center. Here you will face off against Mitch Conner and the fat racoon he rides on.
Pimp (Ms. Cartman Side Quest)
Location: Cartman’s House
Talk to Ms. Cartman to start her questline. You will need to complete a fetch mission before you can fight the Pimp boss.
Need help tracking down the various side quests in South Park: The Fractured But Whole? Use this guide to make things easier.