South Park: The Fractured But Whole Boss List

There are a ton of boss fights in South Park: The Fractured But Whole. These fights take place throughout the game and make up the bulk of the game’s combat. You will find five more bosses below.
Bosses on this page:
- General Disarray
- Meth heads
- Professor Chaos
- Crab People
- Ninjas
General Disarray (Main Story)
Location: U-Stor-It
As you head through the U-Stor-It, you will face a number of bosses to fight. These bosses include General Disarray. General Disarray is located inside a large storage building. He summons other minions and also drops lava onto the battlefield.
Meth Heads (Main Story)
Location: U-Stor-It
When you finally discover the cat stash, you are attacked by a group of meth heads. This meth head boss fight features a number of exploding barrels on the grid.
Professor Chaos (Main Story)
Location: U-Stor-It
After you’ve defeated the Meth Heads and made your way to the end of U-Stor-It, you will face off against Professor Chaos. This fight is a three phase battle and transitions to a new phase when you deplete the current health bar.
Crab People (Help Call Girl Side Mission)
Location: D-Mobile
After you complete the second portion of the game, you will have a new mission from Call Girl. She wants you to help her deal with D-Mobile. Turns out the regular employees have been replaced by Crab People.
Ninjas (Main Story)
Location: Loft Beside Kenny’s House
As you continue the main story, you will be told to visit the loft next to Kenny’s house. Head here to face off against the Ninja boss.
Need help tracking down the various side quests in South Park: The Fractured But Whole? Use this guide to make things easier.