South Park: The Fractured But Whole Boss List

There are a ton of boss fights in South Park: The Fractured But Whole. These fights take place throughout the game and make up the bulk of the game’s combat. You will find five more bosses below.
Bosses on this page:
- Priests
- Freedom Pals
- Randy Marsh
- VIP Johns
- Chase Classi
Priests (Main Story)
Location: Church
To fight the Priests, you need to head to the church. This will trigger the bosses battle between you and the two Priest enemies.
Freedom Pals (Main Story)
Location: Main Street
After you’ve completed all the previous boss fights, you will face off against the Freedom Pals. This collection of heroes has left the Coon and Friends franchise to start their own. This boss fight takes place on Main Street.
Randy Marsh (Randy Mission)
Location: Marsh’s House
During the first night in South Park, you will have to fight Randy Marsh. Randy is drunk and disorderly, and must be kept from driving drunk.
VIP Johns (Main Story)
Location: The Peppermint Hippo
During the night mission, you make your way to The Peppermint Hippo. Here you will face off with some VIP Johns in this boss battle.
Chase Classi (Main Story)
Location: The Peppermint Hippo
After defeating the VIP Johns, you will come face to face with Classi. This fight is a chase fight, which means you need to make it from one end of a room to another before the enemy chasing you defeats you.
Need help tracking down the various side quests in South Park: The Fractured But Whole? Use this guide to make things easier.