South Park: The Fractured But Whole Big Al’s Cats Guide

Big Gay Al.

In South Park: The Fractured But Whole, you’ll encounter a fun side quest involving Big Gay Al and his missing cats. To start this quest, head to Big Gay Al’s house and speak with him. He’ll inform you that he has lost five of his cats, with one more to find after you track down the first five. Below are the locations of all six cats, as detailed in our Big Al’s Cats guide.

Starting the Big Al’s Cats Quest

To begin the Big Al’s Cats side quest in South Park: The Fractured But Whole, follow these steps:

  1. Head to Big Gay Al’s House:
    Travel to Big Gay Al’s house, which is located near the center of South Park, slightly south of the Community Center. His house is hard to miss, with its brightly colored exterior and distinctive design.
  2. Talk to Big Gay Al:
    Once you arrive, speak with Big Gay Al. He’ll explain that his beloved cats have gone missing and he needs your help to find them. He’ll mention that there are five cats to track down, and a sixth cat will become available after you find the first five.
  3. Equip TimeFart Pause Ability:
    This quest requires the TimeFart Pause ability, so if you haven’t unlocked it yet, make sure you progress through the story until you’ve gained access to this power. You’ll need this ability to access certain locations in the quest.
  4. Start Hunting for the Cats:
    After speaking to Big Gay Al, the hunt for the missing cats begins! Follow the detailed locations provided in the next section to track them all down.

1. South Park Mall

Cat to the right of the mall.
Cat to right of the mall.

Head to the right of the South Park Mall construction area to find the first cat, Big Gay Loki.

2. Playground Entrance Near Theatre

Cat at entrance to the playground.
Cat at the entrance to the playground.

Head to the Playground Entrance near the theatre to find the second cat, Big Gay Shadow.

3. SoDoSoPa Unfinished Apartments

Cat at the SoDoSoPa apartment.
Cat at the top of the SoDoSoPa apartment building.

Head to the SoDoSoPa Unfinished Apartments and use Fartkour to reach the upper portion. You will find the third cat, Big Gay Blossom there.

4. Left of Church Fast Travel Point in a Tree

Cat by the church fast travel point.
Cat by church fast travel point.

Head to the Church fast travel point and look at the tree in the back left. Here you will find the fourth cat, Big Gay Bono.

5. Tree in Front of Bebe’s House

Cat in tree by Bebe's house.
Cat in tree by Bebe’s house.

Head to Bebe’s house and look at the tree out front. Here you will find the ‘last’ cat.

Return to Al

After you’ve collected all five cats, return to Al. Turns out there is one cat left for the player to find. This cat can be found at the location below.

6. On The Way To Canada (in a Tree)

Cat in a tree on the road to Canada.
Cat by Canada sign.

Make your way to the road to Canada. Look for a tree on the left to find the last cat. Grab it.

Return to Al (Again)

Once you’ve collected all six cats, return to Big Gay Al. He’ll reward you with two outfits: Feline and Snowcat. Additionally, you’ll be able to take a selfie with him as a token of appreciation.

If you’re tackling other side quests like Mr. Adams’ Headshots, The Yaoi art project, or need tips for Vigilante Marketing, be sure to check out our other detailed guides to help you on your journey through South Park: The Fractured But Whole.

Thoughts on our South Park: The Fractured But Whole Big Al’s Cats guide? Drop them in the comments below.




Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

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