Remnant From the Ashes Bell Puzzle Solution

In Remnant: From the Ashes there are a number of puzzles for players to complete. These puzzles range from the simple to more complex. As you make your way through the game you may stumble across a two bell related puzzles. These puzzles require you to shoot the bells in a certain order. This guide will show you the bell puzzle solution.
The Pan Flautist Bell Puzzle Solution
To discover the sequence of the bells you first need to reach the Pan Flautist checkpoint in Yaesha. Once you reach this area head straight from the checkpoint into the building. Here you will find a flautist. The flautist is playing a song. You need to repeat the song on the bells.
The solution to this bell puzzle is as follows (bells numbered from 1-5 left to right) 3-4-5-3-2-1. Once you’ve done this an item will appear out of the floor. Take the item and enjoy being the spoils of being such a good musician.
Song of the Guardian
While you are at the Pan Flautist’s you might as well bang out another bell puzzle. This time you are going to be playing the Song of the Guardian which unlocks the Swiftness trait. Play the following to get the trait for yourself (bells numbered from 1-5 left to right): 1-1-3-4-1-1-3-2. This handy little trait improves your movement speed.
The Red Doe Bell Puzzle Solution (Widow’s Vestry)
There is a second bell puzzle you may encounter on Yaesha housed in the Widow’s Vestry dungeon. This Bell Puzzle has to do with a Red Doe. Basically all you need to do here is input the following (far left being 1; far right being 5) 5-4-3-3-4-1-2-3-2-1. Once you’ve inputted the song above an item will appear. This item is the Scavenger’s Bauble.
The Ravager’s Lullaby
In Yaesha you will come across a book that shows you the lullaby for The Ravager. This lullaby is the same for everyone. To input the lullaby use the image above and hit the bells in the following order 1-2-1-2-3-4-5-2. You need to input this combination rather quickly. I found standing to the right of the middle bell with line of sight on all bells to be the easiest way. I took my shots using the Hunting Rifle.
Once you’ve inputted the lullaby a quest icon will pop and The Ravager will talk to you. Head over to The Ravager in its cave and speak with it. Say whatever you want. Once the conversation ends you will receive the Stalker’s Claw which can be turned into the melee weapon Scar of the Jungle God.
Thoughts on our Remnant From the Ashes Bell Puzzle solution guide? Drop them in The Pit below.
Tried your puzzle solution for ranger, it seems the numbers are misplaced as multiple other site have the numbers in a different location, thanks for wasting 30 mins of my life!
think you did it wrong, it worked for me first try!
your incapability is what wasted 30 minutes. This works like a charm.
All the solutions presented by this page worked for me. Be more civil.
I believe this puzzle is repeatable as long as you travel to the Ward and then travel back to Pan Flutist.