Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Hokulani Observatory Trial Guide

Once you’ve gathered your way through the last trial, you will fight the island Kahuna and make your way through a bunch of story stuff. After this story stuff, you will reach Ula’ula Island. Here you will be told to take on the Mount Hokulani trial. Use this Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon Hokulani Observatory trial guide to make things a little bit easier.
Hokulani Observatory
Mount Hokulani can be accessed by taking the bus on Route 10. You will need to access the Library before being able to access Mount Hokulani. Once you do this, you will be able to access the Bus at the end of Route 10. Clear out the two Team Skull enemies hanging at the bus stop, and then hop on board. On top of Mount Hokulani, you will be able to access the Hokulani Observatory.
Hokulani Observatory Trial
When you enter the Hokulani Observatory, you will learn that the Charjabug need to be fed. Head deeper into the Observatory to learn that the trial can only start after feeding the Charjabugs. Leave the Observatory to trigger a cutscene which tells you that three Charjabugs are missing. You need to find them. All three can be located in the middle lot in the center of the exterior Observatory area. Interact with the bushes to find two of the Pokemon. The last Charjabug is located beside the bus near the Observatory (can be seen in the background of the cutscene with Molayne). With all three collected you will head back inside to start the trial.
To complete this trial you need to connect the Charjabugs on the Roller to summon the Totem Pokemon. You will need to do this three times in order to power up the Pinger. This is done by using the four buttons on the edge of the roller to rotate the Charjabug’s positions. The first portion is to make a straight horizontal line on the top portion of the roller. The second section is to make a a straight horizontal line on the bottom portion of the roller. The third and final portion is to make a diagonal line connecting the bottom and top lines.
Completing the circuit once will trigger a cutscene and then force you to fight an Elekid. Completing the sequence a second time will force you to fight an Electabuzz. On the third completion, the Totem Pokemon will be summoned. Note that the eventual full circuit completion looks like a Z.
Totem Togedemaru
Totem Togedemaru is an Electric/Steel type Pokemon, who is a rather easy fight. The best approach is to bring Fighting/Ground/Fire type Pokemon to exploit the inherent weakness of Togedemaru’s Electric/Steel type. Completing the fight nets you Electrium Z and allows you to continue with the story.
More Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon here
I`m trying to beat the Hokulani Observatory the second time around which is the scientist that has you doing puzzles with the charjabugs on the roller table like the trail does but he has you doing an easy puzzle and then a normal puzzle then a hard puzzle then a super hard puzzle and I can`t figure out the super hard puzzle
Worthless. Doesn’t say how to beat the third puzzle
I just figured it out! The charjabug are facing up and to the right, and their alignment is supposed to form a Z.
That’s correct.
“The third and final portion is to make a diagonal line connecting the bottom and top lines.” last sentence in the paragraph that explains EXACTLY how to beat it
Supposed to form a z. You’re just stupid
Ive done that 3 times try again
Works for me just fine, I don’t if you guys play some weird version or just playing dumb lol.