Pet Simulator X Dojo: Where to Start, What’s in Egg

In the Roblox experience Pet Simulator X there is a special area players can unlock in Kawaii World called the Dojo. This special location is home to a giant chest and also a special egg that you can hatch. To learn more about this location here’s a full Pet Simulator X Dojo guide below.
Where is the Secret Dojo Door
To access the Dojo area in Kawaii World you need to find the Secret Dojo door. This door is located at the end of Kawaii World in the Kawaii Temple area. This means to access the door you need to have unlocked all four areas in the world. After unlocked all areas you can find the Secret Dojo door on the far wall behind the huge chest. It requires 45B Cartoon Coins to open.
Opening the Dojo area allows you to visit a new room called the Dojo. Inside this room are two important things: another Huge Chest you can get Cartoon Coins from, and a special Dojo Egg.
What’s in the Dojo Egg?
The Dojo Egg is the main attraction of this secret area. This egg has increased chances to hatch the special Kawaii themed pets including a Huge Pet. It costs a total of 680m Cartoon Coins per egg to hatch so it is not cheap at all. Inside the Dojo Eggs you have the chance of hatching the following:
- Sailor Narwhal – 96% hatch chance.
- Chef Monkey – ??% hatch chance.
- Cupcake Unicorn -??% hatch chance.
- Masked Owl – ??% hatch chance.
- Huge Kawaii Cat – ??% hatch chance.
- Huge Bread Shiba – ??% hatch chance.
Like other secret rooms you can setup an AFK farm here if your team is strong enough. Set your pets on the Huge Chest and trigger auto hatching. The pets will replenish your Cartoon Coins while you hatch allowing you to hatch infinitely. This method does require having a very powerful team to work or having multiple players on the Huge Chest at one time.
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