Pet Simulator X Cinco De Mayo Event Guide

The Pet Simulator X Cinco De Mayo event is now live and with it comes the chance to earn new pets. This new seasonal activity adds pinatas to the game containing rewards for players to earn. To learn more about this event and what you can do in it, see our full Pet Simulator X Cinco De Mayo event guide below.
Breakable Pinatas
The first new addition you will notice right away while Cinco De Mayo is active in PSX is area Pinatas. In each biome of the different worlds you will encounter Pet Pinatas. These Pet Pinatas can be destroyed using your pet team. When you destroy a Pet Pinata it has the chance of dropping any of the following:
- Diamonds.
- Boosts.
- Pinata Egg.
Pinata Egg Content
- Pinata Cat (Rare).
- Pinata Dog (Epic).
- Sombrero Dog (Legendary).
- Sombrero Cat (Legendary).
- Sombrero Chihuahua (Mythical).
- Huge Pinata Cat (Exclusive).
The gist of the event is breaking these Pinatas. Like other breakables in the game the Pet Pinatas spawn in regularly while you are breaking the different items in a biome. You can easily stand in one biome and break pinatas as much as you’d like to farm the different pets.
Breakable Huge Pinata
If destroying the small Pinatas doesn’t interest you there is a Huge Pinata you can break every 4 hours in-game (cycle started at 12PM CDT). This Huge Pinata appears in the Town area of Spawn World. When it is active players in the server must work together to destroy it since it has 100Sx health. When it is destroyed players receive a Piñata Egg which has increased chance of hatching the Huge Pinata Cat.
One important note about the Huge Pinata is that it respawns each time you destroy it for 1 hour. The chest initially started at 25x Huge Hatch Chance but increased to 50x Huge Hatch Chance in the Jelly update. This means finding people that can quickly take down the pinata is in your best interest.
Huge Pinata Spawn Times (in CDT)
- 2 PM.
- 6 PM.
- 10 PM.
- 2 AM.
- 6 AM.
- 10 AM.
If you are trying to hatch the Huge Pinata Cat you will want to jump onto the game at each of the times mentioned above. This gives you 6 chances each day to try and hatch the new Huge Pet.
Thoughts on our Pet Simulator X Cinco De Mayo Event guide? Drop them in the comments below.