Mothlight Guide


Mothlight Guide

After defeating Xylat, you receive the Porcelain Key. Take the key and return to the Porcelain Castle.

Mothlight Guide

Head into the Porcelain Castle and enter the room on the right. Here you will find a locked gate. Open the gate and head down the stairs. This triggers a cutscene.

Mothlight Guide

After the cutscene is over, head into the main room with the three headed knight to trigger another cutscene. After the cutscene, you will receive worm food which allows us to return to the Black Sea (head back to the worm you arrived in).

Black Sea

Mothlight Guide

In the Black Sea portion of this guide, you moved a minecart with dynamite on it to reveal an NPC. This NPC is the third boss we need to kill before we can fight Lucien.

Boss: Concubath

Mothlight Guide

Concubath has a high health pool, but is a relatively easy fight to complete. Beating Concubath allows us to fight Lucien and finish Mothlight. Once you beat Concubath, return to The Neethan and make your way towards the game end.

Let me know what you think of this Mothlight Guide in the Pit below.


A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

12 responses

  1. grimm says:

    Where is the are where Lucien was originally fought? idk where to go

  2. Katie Louise says:

    For me the other glowing dot isn’t there, what do I do now?

    I’ve defeated everything in moth city, in the ladder section rtf?

  3. Katie says:

    I seem to be in an area you haven’t explained here. It is called Augus and appears to be a small town. I can’t get out. Help?

  4. Rsun2013 says:

    How do you defeat the Feral Dragon?

  5. Ashe says:

    y’all he had about 51 hp wow

  6. olea says:

    i get no exp from fights, and im now at the fight with idris but im still on lvl 1 and have a max of 10 health, is this normal??

  7. Juliette says:

    But, for the begs mine, how do you activate the lever? I don’t understand, I can’t move forward!
    Can anybody help me?

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