Ley Line Overflow Guide – Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact is set to host an event on February 26th called Ley Line Overflow. While this event is active players have a chance to earn double rewards by taking part in specific activities while the event is running. To help you get the most out of this event we’ve put together a Ley Line Overflow Guide. Consult the guide below to learn more about the event and what to do during it.
What is the Ley Line Overflow Event
Is Ley Line Oveflow event is slated to run from February 26-March 5. During this event Travelers that challenge Blossom of Wealth or Blossom of Revelations can earn bonus rewards. On completion of the blossom players who consume Original Resin to receive their rewards will get double the output. This bonus is applied 3x per day while the event is running. The helpful image above by Twitter user @WorldOfTeyvat highlights exactly what you need to know about the event.
How to Access the Ley Line Overflow Event
Taking part in this event is fairly straightforward and requires little to no input on your part. All you need to do is fire up Genshin Impact and complete Blossom of Wealth or Blossom of Revelations. Each time you complete one of the blossoms spend your Original Resin to receive your rewards. You will receive 2x the payout the first three you do in a day. This means you can acquire a large amount of books and Mora just by completing the daily event.
As we get closer to the Ley Line Overflow event I will update this guide accordingly. The information above is to make you aware of the upcoming event so you can plan accordingly. If you are able to attend the event daily I recommend doing so.
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