Legendary Animals Map in Red Dead Redemption 2

Hunting is a major part of Red Dead Redemption 2. By hunting you can gather meat, gather skins, as well as other materials. While there are many traditional animals for you to hunt throughout the world of RDR2, there are some legendary animals which are tougher than the rest. Below is the Legendary Animals map in Red Dead Redemption 2. Guide is being updated.
How to Hunt Legendary Animals in Red Dead Redemption 2
To hunt legendary animals in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a bit of a process. Using the map below, head to the area of the legendary animal you want to hunt. Once in the animals area you will get one of two possible messages:
You have entered Legendary Animal Territory, but there is too much activity in the area to track the animal.
You have entered Legendary Animal Territory. Hunt this Legendary Animal by finding and inspecting clues
You want the second one to appear when you enter the Legendary Animal territory, as the first message means the creature is not there. If the creature you want to fight isn’t there, you can leave the area and wait then come back and try it again.
When you get the message that the creature is in fact in its territory, you will need to find three traces of the creature before eventually reaching it. This can be done using the Eagle Vision (L3 + R3).
- If you abandon your Legendary Pelt or can’t get to it for some reason, it will appear at the Fence or the Trapper a few days later. You will get a prompt stating this has occurred.
- You need to kill at least 5 Legendary animals for 100% Completion.
- Killing and skinning all legendaries is part of the Skin Deep and Zoologist trophies/achievements.
- Too much activity can mean a number of things including bandits and other predators in the area (via UncleMusclesHour).
Legendary Animal Locations in Red Dead Redemption 2

Legendary Animals are scattered throughout the world for you to hunt. This map shows the general locations you will find them.
The first time you hunt go out hunting with Hosea in Chapter 2, you will go searching for a Legendary Grizzly Bear. During this quest, Hosea gives you a map detailing the general whereabouts of legendary animals throughout the Southern United States of America (can be accessed via your Satchel at any time). The map shows the locations of 14 legendary animals:
1. Legendary Cougar
To reach the Cougar’s territory, you need to have beaten the main story in Red Dead Redemption 2 (Chapter 6). Once you’ve done this, you will be able to enter Blackwater and area without being killed on sight.
2. Legendary Pronghorn
To reach the Pronghorn’s territory, you need to have beaten the main story in Red Dead Redemption 2 (Chapter 6). Once you’ve done this, you will be able to enter Blackwater and area without being killed on sight.
3.Legendary Tatanka Bison
To reach the Bison’s territory, you need to have beaten the main story in Red Dead Redemption 2 (Chapter 6). Once you’ve done this, you will be able to enter Blackwater and area without being killed on sight.
4.Legendary Buck
5. Legendary Big Horn Ram
For killing the Legendary Bighorn Ram you get the Legendary Ram Hide. This hide can be taken to the Trapper to get the Legendary Ram Hat, Legendary Ram Batwing Chaps, and the Legendary Ram Rifleman Gloves.
6. Legendary White Bison.

You will find the Legendary White Bison north of Lake Isabella in the snowy mountains. Pack a winter jacket.
7. Legendary Wolf.
8. Legendary Bharati Grizzly Bear Location

You will find the Legendary Grizzly Bear in its territory just north of O’creagh’s Run. You go here during the mission “Exit Pursued by a Bruised Ego”.
9. Legendary Moose
10. Legendary Beaver
11. Legendary Boar
12. Legendary Coyote
13. Legendary Fox
14. Legendary Elk

The Legendary Elk is located to the east of Fort Wallace. You need to go up on the hill where my horse is to trigger the Legendary Territory text.
Unmarked Legendary Animals
While all 14 of the above legendary animals are shown on the map you get from Hosea, there are actually 2 more legendary animals you can hunt which are not shown on the map, but should still be sought out for their resources. Below you will find where to find these 2 Legendary animals.
1. Legendary Bull Alligator

The Legendary Alligator is located above Saint Denis before the Bait Shop. You need to be in Chapter 7 of the story to hunt it.
The Legendary Alligator is a bit of a strange creature to hunt as it seems to be appearing randomly for most people. While I can’t speak for others, I can say I was able to hunt it when I reached Chapter 7 of the story. Every other time I entered its region there was no prompt or anything. Let me know you experience in the comments. Note: I took it down fairly easily with the Double Barrell Shotgun.
2. Panther “Giaguaro”
To spawn this super legendary named animal, you need to have completed 9 Master Hunter Challenges. Once you’ve done this feat Giaguaro will spawn in the “Bolder Blade” area south of Rhodes.
3. Lion
There is a Lion you will hunt during the Stranger Mission, He’s British, Of Course – IV. During this mission you are tasked with tracking down what you think is a fake Lion, but it is actually real. The mission takes place in Emerald Ranch/Station location. After you kill the Lion, take a trophy off its body to get the Lion’s Paw (used in a Trinket recipe).
Killing legendary animals can be very rewarding, but also difficult. If you plan on going up against any of these beasts be sure to come prepared as death is almost a given. Good luck!
The legendary alligator appeared to me during chapter 4. And 8 rounds of slug bullets from a semi automatic shotgun didn’t do the job!!! It appears on the map so went straight back and so far no sign. Here’s hoping it returns. Thanks for the help you’ve made a legendary game even better with your guide.
Another notification :
You have entered a legendary animal territory. This animal has recently left the area and will not return for some time.
Or something along those lines
Be mindful. If ur in legendary area and a perfect cougar strolls by, and of course it’s u or him, plus u want that pelt…well, that legendary creature has hit the bricks at the sound of gunfire.
It is a legend cuz it knows when to run
On Red Dead Redemption on the map there’s a X on Legend moose on the map what should I do
On my map my Legendary Bear and Elk are not “X’d off” on my main map like the rest of the animals. they are drawn but not Crossed off with his pencil per say. Does this mean I didn’t get it? I having issues getting the elk.
I tried to kill the legendary beat, but I died on my first attempt and now I can’t find it. What should I do?
Weirdest thing… So i killed/skinned and sold my Legendary Bighorn Ram pelt and carcass to the trapper. ???
That was a week ago give or take a few irl days. Tonight im playing and i shoot a Bighorn Ram, skin it and stow the carcass on Snowflake (My ?). I check the horse cargo to see if my Buck trinket did its job and made it a “perfect” opposed to a “good”. I was happy to see it infact made it perfect. Then as i was making my way down the mountain, i got out to check out a cabin. When i was looking through my satchel on the horse to fill up on food/meds etc i accidentally scrolled past the horse’s cargo tab and didnt really understand what i was looking at. My “perfect” Bighorn Ram carcass had powered up to Super Saiyan 4. Lol jk. But it did change from a perfect carcass to a legendary… Just wondering if anyone else has experianced the same thing with the ram or ant other legendary animals for that matter?
I can’t hunt the buck no matter how many times I leave the area there is still too much activity what should I do
same. I’ve been trying for over an hour now. super annoying
I found I had to leave the area, go to town and sleep in the hotel. Sometimes it would take doing this multiple before I could hunt it.
If there are predatory animal sounds in the area or a gang camp nearby, then it wont show up. There should be some roars you could hear, find and kill the gang and the source of the roar. For me it was a black bear. After i killed it a lot of bucks and horses started to spawn in the area
I had trouble with this but finally got it. Had to kill a cougar and outlaws. Then I found the three clues and then just hunted. Finally got him.
I dont have the animal map….???? Why
Same!!! what’s up?
What if you killed one but its lost in the Water, so like i cant skin them and dont know what to do.
Can i maybe come back again and kill them again or something like that?
You should get a message saying you abandoned the Legendary Skin and to pick it up at either the Trapper/Fence. This happened to me with the Legendary Boar skin.