How to Unlock All Endings in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice features four distinct endings that reveal crucial lore and earn you unique Trophies/Achievements. Normally, you’d have to complete four separate playthroughs. But with careful save management, you can unlock every ending in a single run. The key is to create backup saves at specific points in the game. Then you can reload those backups to pursue alternative outcomes.
When to Create Backup Saves
Before triggering key events, back up your save file. You’ll need to do this twice:
- At the Owl Encounter:
– Make a backup at the Owl encounter on top of Ashina Castle’s Upper Tower, before you interact with him. - Before the Final Kneeling:
– Create a backup just before kneeling before the Divine Heir at the end of the game.
These backups let you unlock one ending, then reload and choose a different path for the remaining endings.
Ending 1: The Shura Ending
Unlock the Shura ending first, then reload your backup to pursue the others.
- Progress to the Lotus of the Palace:
– Play until you collect the Lotus of the Palace (guarded by the Guardian Monkey).
– Note: Once you have this item, Ashina Castle becomes inaccessible by the usual route. Instead, access it via the Abandoned Dungeon Entrance idol. - Reach the Top of Ashina Castle Tower:
– Climb the tower where you fought Genichiro. A cutscene featuring OWL and Kuro will trigger. - Make Your Choice:
– When prompted by OWL, choose “Obey the Iron Code, forsake Kuro.”
– This decision unlocks two boss fights exclusive to the Shura path (Emma and Isshin Ashina). - Defeat the Bosses:
– Beat both Emma and Isshin Ashina to officially unlock the Shura ending (earning the “Shura and Isshin Ashina” achievement). - Reload Your Backup:
– After unlocking Shura, reload your save backup made at the Owl encounter to pursue the other endings.
Ending 2: The Purification Ending
After reloading your backup, follow these steps to unlock Purification:
- At the Ashina Castle Tower Cutscene:
– When prompted by OWL, choose “Break the Iron Code, stay loyal to Kuro.”
– This will lead to a fight against your father. - After Defeating OWL:
– Engage in extended dialogue with Kuro and light the incense. - Eavesdropping Sequence:
- Kuro’s Room:
- Head to the library in Kuro’s Room and “hug the wall” to trigger the eavesdropping option on Emma and Kuro.
- Talk with Emma—she’ll eventually mention heading to the Old Grave.
- Old Grave Site:
- Visit the Old Grave (just left of the Old Grave Sculptor Idol) and speak with Emma to learn she must see Orangutan (the Sculptor) at the Dilapidated Temple.
- Dilapidated Temple:
- Do not enter the temple; instead, circle to the back and “hug the wall” to find the only passage.
- Eavesdrop on the conversation between Emma and the Sculptor.
- Ask Emma about what she heard to receive the Father’s Bell Charm.
- Kuro’s Room:
- Use the Father’s Bell Charm:
– Interact with the Buddha in the Dilapidated Temple to return to Hirata Estate. - Defeat Owl (Again) at Hirata Estate:
– At the end of Hirata Estate, defeat Owl to obtain the Everblossom. - Endgame Submission:
– Later, you’ll give this Everblossom to Kuro to trigger the Purification ending.
Ending 3: The Return Ending
For the Return ending, a different set of steps is required.
- Obtain the Infested Scroll:
– If you haven’t killed Genichiro yet:- A monk praying to Buddha near the Main Hall Idol at Senpou Temple will give you the scroll.
- If Genichiro is already defeated, dive into the pond at the Temple Grounds Idol to retrieve the scroll.
- Reach the Inner Sanctum:
– Progress to the area where you collect the Mortal Blade, leading you to the Divine Child of Rejuvenating Water. - Offer the Infested Scroll:
– Hand the Infested Scroll to the Divine Child. - Collect Rice from the Divine Child:
– Speak to the Divine Child repeatedly. She’ll provide you one unit of rice each time, but you cannot hold rice in your inventory. Ensure you “consume” the rice (or give it away to the helpful Old Lady in the Temple Grounds) until the Divine Child eventually falls asleep. This usually occurs after three interactions. - Give the Divine Child a Persimmon:
– After the area reloads, the Divine Child appears sick. Purchase a Persimmon for 30 sen from the Shugendo Memorial Mob (located near the Shungendo Idol). Give the Persimmon to her. In return, she will provide Rice for Kuro. - Proceed to the Decision Point:
– At the Ashina Castle tower cutscene, once more choose “Break the Iron Code, stay loyal to Kuro.” This action triggers the father fight. - Final Item Submission for Return Ending:
– After the final boss fight, speak with Kuro in the Upper Tower. Present the Rice along with other required items to receive the Frozen Tears. Then, when prompted at the final interaction, give Dragon’s Tears and Frozen Tears to unlock the Return ending.
Additional Side-Quests for the Return Ending (Optional):
Holy Chapter: Dragon’s Return:
- Fresh Serpent Viscera: Can be obtained by using the kite in the Senpou Temple (Mt. Kongo area) and defeating the snake.
- Dried Serpent Viscera: Found in a shrine in the Sunken Valley. Use the monkey on the nearby ledge to distract the snake guarding it. After collecting both items, return to the Divine Child to receive additional items needed for the Return ending.
Ending 4: The Immortal Severance Ending
This is the “default” ending for Sekiro.
- Simply Progress Through the Game:
– Side with Kuro and complete the story without triggering the additional side quests required for Purification or Return. Once you defeat the final boss, select the option to give Divine Dragon’s Tears to Kuro. This choice unlocks the Immortal Severance ending with no extra steps.
Final Boss and Ending Selection
Tip: Make a final save before interacting with Kuro so you can replay the final sequence and experience each ending if you wish.
At the final confrontation (against Isshin, the Sword Saint), you’ll face three interaction options with Kuro—provided you’ve collected the necessary items along the way:
- Divine Dragon’s Tears only: Unlocks the Immortal Severance Ending.
- Divine Dragon’s Tears + Everblossom: Unlocks the Purification Ending.
- Dragon’s Tears + Frozen Tears: Unlocks the Return Ending.
By carefully creating backups at key moments and following this step-by-step guide, you can unlock all four endings in a single playthrough of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. This not only lets you see all the game’s lore and earn all related achievements but also maximizes your gameplay efficiency.
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