How to Get the Breath of Life Shadow Latent Skill in Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

In Sekiro Shadows Die Twice there are Latent Skills which can be unlocked to improve Wolf. Some of these abilities increase healing or suppress noise, while others improve combat. One skill you will want to unlock is called Breath of Life: Shadow. Below I will show you how to get the Breath of Life Shadow Latent Skill in Sekiro Shadows Die Twice.
Travel Past the Water Mill Sculptor’s Idol

To begin, make your way through the Ashina Depths area until you reach the Water Mill Sculptor’s Idol. From the Idol make your way along the path leading out of the Mibu Village. Along this pathway you will hear music. The louder the music gets the closer you are to O’Rin of the Water.
Defeat O’Rin of the Water

O’Rin of the Water is a mini boss along the path your are travelling. She resides in a next to a graveyard looking area. If you run past her, she will aggro. If you speak with her, she will aggro. This is good for us as we need to defeat O’rin of the Water to get the Latent Skill Breath of Life: Shadow.
What does the Latent Skill Breath of Life: Shadow Do?

The Latent Skill Breath of Life: Shadow returns health to you upon Deathblows. Here is the item’s official description:
“A Latent Skill that recovers Vitality upon performing a successful Deathblow. Deathblows provide shinobi with an opportunity to breathe. Experiencing battles with powerful opponents further deepens thi moment of respite.”
This skill is fairly useful to have, so I recommend picking it up as soon as you get the chance (or feel strong enough to take on O’Rin).