How to Fast Travel in Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 features a totally new fast travel system which allows players to quickly move between places via their map and Fast Travel terminals. To show you more about this new system, here’s how to fast travel in Borderlands 3.
Fast Travel via Map
A new addition to Borderlands 3 is the ability to fast travel using your map. This fast travel allows Fast Travel points you’ve visited through your map. Simply hover over the Fast Travel terminal you wish to zip to and hold the button down. You will quickly travel to that location.
Another Fast Travel point you can use on your map is your vehicle. Like Fast Travel points you can highlight your Vehicle on your map and hold down Fast Travel to quickly zip to it. This is nice if you head into a large dungeon and want to quickly get back to the exit.
Fast Travel via Fast Travel Station
While the Fast Travel via the map is already blowing my mind, things get even stranger when you access a Fast Travel terminal. All the function of the previous games are still there, but you can now get two new views: Orbit and Galaxy.
Orbit Fast Travel
As the name suggests you get an orbiting view of the planet you are currently on. From this view you can select different zones of the planet to fast travel to if you’ve visited them once before. This allows you to quickly transition between zones on a planet. Instead of having to drive all across them like we used to have to.
Galaxy Fast Travel
If Fast Travelling around a planet doesn’t interest you, how about Fast Travelling through a Galaxy? That’s right Borderlands has gone full Mass Effect. Above the Orbit view is a view called Galaxy. In this view you can see the galaxy and all the planets you’ve visited in it. From the Galaxy view you can access the Orbit view of another planet and fast travel to it.
The orbit and galaxy view don’t work on the epic version on pc. it is no longer possible to use fast travel once you’re on the sanctuary. only the first standard option remain. for the rest, you have to manually go to the pod of the sanctuary to land on the planet, and you can’t fast travel to other area of the planet either.