How to Change Hairstyle in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

In Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla there are a number of ways to change the look of your Eivor. These changes come in a few forms from equipping certain armor types to applying tattoos and new hairstyles. To learn more about changing the cut your Eivor is rocking we’ve put together the quick guide below. In it you will learn how to change hairstyle in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.
Visit Svend at the Tattoo Shop in Fornburg
Before you can change your hair and beard styles you need to advance the story past the mission Honor Bound. During this mission you will sail to Fornburg. Here you will gain access to a variety of shops including the Tattoo Shop run by the NPCs named Svend and Tove.
If you have trouble finding the Tattoo Shop it is the building with the sign that has what looks like an 8 on it. Inside or outside this building you will find Svend. Ask to see his tattoos to access his shop. On the tattoo shop screen Svend can change your hair and beard (male only) styles. Keep in mind female Eivors only have hairstyles to change at the shop.
There are a number of styles available from the start with many being very classic Nordic inspired haircuts. With that said, you can improve the selection of hairstyles at the Svend & Tove shop by bringing them Cosmetic Schemes. These items will improve the tattoo shop’s available style selections, causing them to have more designs to apply to Eivor.
Check out our Assassin’s Creed Vallhalla guide and walkthrough hub for more help with this Ubisoft game. On the hub page you will find a collection of guides pertaining to the main story, side quests, bosses, collectibles, and more.
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