Hellblade Senua’s Sacrifice Guide

Valrvn – The God of Illusion
I did Valrvn first so that’s why it appears here in the guide. Valrvn is The God of Illusion which means you will be dealing with… illusions. To get to Valrvn’s area, head through the left door (red marking) facing away from Hell’s Gate. Prepare to get spooked!
Illusion 1
If you’re like me, you probably had no idea what was happening with the first area you arrive in. There is a gate on a platform and no where to go (or so it seems). I must admit, I ran around a good 5 minutes before I realized that the gate actually changes the level design.
What I mean by this is that looking through the gate reveals the ‘illusion’. In this area, the illusion is a pathway that normally appears as a stone wall (marked by Valrvn’s symbol). Walk through the gate while staring at the revealed pathway to keep pathway revealed. Head through the revealed pathway to the next area.
Illusion 2
Before the next Illusion, you will be faced with some enemies. These are normal Norsemen and are fairly easy to beat. Take your time and attack when clear to do so. Once they are defeated, open the door and head to the next Ilusion.
The next Illusion also took me a while to figure out, but my pain is your gain. In this room, there are three ravens you need to lineup. These ravens can only be lined up by reaching the upper area of the city wall. This seems to not be possible. However, in this room is a skull on a string. These skulls also act like gates and reveal illusions. Look through the Skull Gate to the left wall (see picture) to reveal a way to the top of the wall.
Head up to the wall and use focus to lineup the Ravens and open the door. Make your way back down and head inside. More puzzles are on the way!
Illusion 3
Inside the next area, there is… another gate to unlock. This area is a multipart puzzle, so let’s begin. Head straight to the gate and trigger your focus. We see that we need to make it to the center platform to lineup the ravens, but how? Illusions of course!
Make your way to the skull pictured above (it’s to the right of the center platform). Trigger the illusion so that stairs appear where the wall once was. Head up the stairs and make your way left into the next area. Here we come face to face with Valrvn!