Genshin Impact Update 1.4 Release Date and Details Revealed

Genshin Impact is getting a new update this month and we now know more about it thanks to a PlayStation Blog post by Zhenzhong Yi. This post lays out the Genshin Impact Update 1.4 release date and what players can expect in the Windblume Festival. Let’s take a closer at the announcements below.
Genshin Impact Update 1.4 Date and Details

The release of the Genshin Impact Update 1.4 will occur on March 17th. The release of this update will introduce a number of new additions to the game including the new Windblume Festival that will take place in Mondstadt. This festival is a way for citizens of Mondstadt to take part in a heartfelt celebration of freedom and life. To take part in the festival players must be at least Adventure Rank 20 and have completed the Archon Quest “Song of the Dragon and Freedom”. Players that meet the requirements will be invited to the event.
The activities taking place during the festival are Bullseye Balloons, Floral Freefall, and Ballads of Breeze. Competing in these mini-games will give you the chance to earn prizes. The mini-games have four different difficulty levels. The games reward players with Festive Tour Tickets that can be exchanged at the Event Shop for the aforementioned prizes that include level-up materials and two exclusive event gadgets.
Dating Comes to Mondstadt

Alongside the festival mini-games players will have the chance to spend time with Barbara, Noelle, Bennett, and Chongyun to unlock different endings and memories based on your interactions with them. The endings you unlock will reward you with a special Hangout Memory illustration.
New Weapon and Character
Last but certainly not least there is a new weapon and new character coming in Update 1.4. The new weapon is a 4-star bow, the Windblume Ode. The new character is Rosario, a 4-star playable character who is a sister of the Church of Favonius. Rosario wields a polearm and uses her Elemental Skills to deal Cryo damage.
That’s all you need to know about the upcoming update 1.4 for Genshin Impact. This update will land soon and looks to feature a ton of content for players to explore on March 17. What do you think of the update?
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