Four Statues Puzzle Solution – Resident Evil Village

Featured image on Hall of Ablution Statue Puzzle in Resident Evil Village solution guide.

As you advance the main story of Resident Evil Village you will enter the large castle. Inside this castle you will encounter a puzzle that features four statues around a font of “wine.” To advance the story you need to drain the font to gain access to a staircase inside it that leads down. The solution to this puzzle is a bit confusing, but we are here to help. See the Castle four statues puzzle solution guide below for help.

How to Solve the Hall of Ablution Statue Puzzle in Resident Evil Village

As you explore the castle in Resident Evil 8 you will come across the Hall of Ablution. In this room there is a pool of blood with four statues around it. On the wall in this room there is a plaque with a puzzle hunt. The plaque reads:

“Women are blind to male advances, but the poor shall take their chances to give their lord their bounty sown, so that soon the wine may flow.”

This plaque gives you the details necessary to solve the puzzle. Reading it tells you which direction you need to turn the statues to drain the pool which reveals a secret door. The solution steps are:

  1. Lord (horse): Turn to face the Maiden.
  2. Lady (woman wearing hat): Turn to face the Maiden.
  3. Beggars: Turn to face the Lord.
  4. Maiden: Turn to face the Lady.

Once you solve the puzzle the wine drains from the font and a door in the bottom appears. Walk to the door and go through it down the stairs into the next area. Here you will enter an underground sort of cellar that you need to pass through to advance the story. For more guides like this one see our Resident Evil guides page.

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