Fortnite Player Creates Website to Help You Track Weekly Battle Pass Challenges

Fort-friend screenshot.

Since Fortnite’s Battle Pass and its weekly challenges are an essential part of the game, tracking them can be a bit of a chore. Fortunately, there used to be a handy website called Fort-Friend that helped players manage their challenges with ease. While that site is no longer up, here’s a quick breakdown of how it used to help players and some ideas for alternatives to keep track of those challenges now.

How Fort-Friend Helped Track Weekly Challenges

Fort-Friend simplified tracking Fortnite’s weekly Battle Pass challenges. While active, the site featured an interactive map that displayed the locations of various objectives, like letters, rubber duckies, and kill zones. This map helped players efficiently complete challenges without wasting time searching.

The site also offered a checklist that allowed players to toggle completed challenges on and off. For instance, after finishing the Rubber Duckies challenge, players could check it off, removing the corresponding locations from the map. This cleared up clutter, making it easier to focus on remaining tasks.

Fort-Friend’s Community Contributions

Fort-Friend was a community-driven project by a Reddit user named Tmant1234, and it provided an excellent way for players to track weekly progress. The developer even encouraged input from the community for potential updates and improvements. The website had plans for enhancements, including a better mobile experience and the inclusion of higher-resolution maps for better clarity.

Although Fort-Friend is no longer operational, its concept of offering a convenient, community-supported tool remains useful. Players can still achieve the same goal of tracking Fortnite’s challenges, but now through alternative methods.

Alternatives to Fort-Friend

Although Fort-Friend is no longer available, there are still other tools and apps out there that can help track Fortnite’s weekly Battle Pass challenges. Websites and mobile apps like and provide updated maps, challenge lists, and other resources to help you stay on top of your tasks each week.

While it’s unfortunate that Fort-Friend has shut down, you can still make use of these alternative tools to keep your Fortnite gameplay organized and efficient.

Do you have any other favorite ways to track Fortnite Battle Pass challenges? Let me know in the comments below!



Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

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