Everything in the New Kulve Taroth Update – Monster Hunter World

Kulve Taroth Gold Chip.

Capcom ended the Spring Blossom Event with a bang by introducing the mighty Kulve Taroth, a new monster that brings exciting additions to Monster Hunter World. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about the Kulve Taroth update—new monsters, armor sets, weapons, and more!

New Monster: Kulve Taroth

The star of the update is Kulve Taroth, a fearsome elder dragon. This monster resides in the new area called “Caverns of El Dorado.” To take on Kulve Taroth, you’ll need to participate in a 16-player siege.

How to Start the Kulve Taroth Siege

Kulve Taroth siege start.
You can start the siege from the Quest Counter.

Before you can join the siege, you’ll need to gather Kulve Taroth tracks. Start by heading out on an Expedition and look for a Gold Chip. Once you find it, return to Astera and speak to The Admiral in the Tradeyard. He’ll give you the questline “Banquet in the Earthen Hall,” unlocking the siege.

How the Siege Works

The Kulve Taroth siege requires you to gather materials and complete objectives to earn points, which affect the rewards you get at the end of the quest. The more points you accumulate, the better your loot will be. Don’t forget to gather tracks to increase your Pursuit Level, which will help break parts and increase your time limit.

You can join sieges with other players or take the challenge on solo. Be warned, doing it solo is much more challenging and time-consuming.

New Armor Sets – Kulve Taroth

New armor sets are available for both hunters and Palicos after defeating Kulve Taroth.

Kulve Taroth Human Armor Sets

Both the Kulve Taroth Alpha and Beta sets are available. These sets are crafted with various Kulve Taroth materials, such as Golden Scales, Golden Shells, and Golden Spiralhorns.

Here are some examples of what you’ll need to craft the sets:

  • Fury: 12x Golden Scale, 7x Golden Shell, 6x Golden Spiralhorn, 1x Nergigante Gem
  • Rage: 12x Golden Scale, 18x Golden Nugget, 6x Golden Spiralhorn, 1x Kulve Taroth Gemstone

Kulve Taroth Palico Armor Set

Kulve Taroth Palico set
Kulve Taroth Palico set.

Your Palico can also get in on the action with the Kulve Taroth Palico Set. You’ll need materials like Golden Tailshells and Golden Scales to craft the full set.

New Weapons – Kulve Taroth Siege Rewards

Gold Blast Piercer weapon.
Gold Blast Piercer weapon.

The Kulve Taroth siege offers a range of new weapons that spawn with random elements. These weapons include the following:

  • Bow: Gold Blast Piercer
  • Gun Lance: Gold Water Expoder
  • Charge Blade: Gold Thunder Cutter
  • Insect Glaive: Spew Gold Naginata
  • Hunting Horn: Rage Gold Flute

New Palico Set: Felyne Samurai Set

Felyne Samurai set.
The Felyne Samurai set.

If you complete the Kulve Taroth siege, you’ll earn Bushi Tickets, which you can use to craft the new Felyne Samurai Palico Set. This set will add a unique touch to your Palico companion. You’ll need Bushi Tickets for crafting items like the Felyne Samurai Sword, Helm, and Armor.

New Layered Armor – Bushi “Sabi” & Bushi “Homare”

Layered armor sets from the Kulve Taroth update.
Layered armor sets.

To unlock the new layered armor sets, you need to complete deliveries for the Resource Center. These deliveries require you to provide Bushi Tickets and materials, and in return, you’ll receive pieces of the new layered armor sets.

With Kulve Taroth now available in Monster Hunter World, there’s plenty to discover. If you’re looking for a challenge and some incredible new loot, dive into the siege and start hunting! Keep an eye out for updates, as more details about the siege rewards and materials will be added to this guide soon.

Let me know your thoughts or any tips you have in the comments below in the comments!



Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

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