Elden Ring Flightless Bird Painting Location Guide

In Leyndell, Royal Capital there is a painting players can find and interact with. This painting is called Flightless Bird. When you interact with this painting it is added to your inventory and you can look at it. The point of the painting is to have players visit where the painter painted the painting from. To help you do this use our Elden Ring Flightless Bird Painting location guide below.
Where to Find the Flightless Bird Painting

To find the Flightless Bird Painting you need to make your way to the Fortified Manor inside the capital city walls. The Fortified Manor is located in the westside of the city. At this building go inside via the northeast entrance. On the first floor head into the second door on your right. Go through the next room and you will arrive in the a room with the Site of Grace and painting. Interact with the painting to add it to your inventory.
Flightless Bird Painter Location

Once you have the painting it’s time to find the location of the painter. The painting shows off the city gates and the Erdtree. The location the painter was in when he painted the picture is in the Dominula, Windmill Village in the north section of the Atleus Plateua. Go to this location and head up to the southeast corner cliffside. The painter is looking at the gate of the capital city. Wait for the painter to disappear to reveal an item. The item this painter leaves behind is the Fire’s Deadly Sin spell.
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