Elden Ring Fia Quest Guide

In the Roundtable Hold in Elden Ring there is an NPC called Fia. Fia is a deathbed companion. Fia will offer to hold you. If you agree she gives you a consumable called Baldachin’s Blessing. While this seems like her only purpose, there is a long story quest attached to this NPC. To complete this quest use our Elden Ring Fia quest guide below.
Get Dagger from Fia and Give it to D

You can begin Fia’s questline after you’ve reached the Altus Plateau. Once you’ve made it to this named location head back to the Roundtable hold and go to Fia. Agree to let her hold you and you will be prompted to “Talk in secret (if you haven’t been held)” and then “May I ask a favor?” Fia then gives you the Weathered Dagger and asks you to return it to its previous owner. The owner of the dagger is D. D can be found in the roundtable room. Speak to D and give him the Weathered Dagger when prompted.

Leave the Roundtable Hold then return to the Roundtable Hold to reload the area. When you return to the Rountable Hold go down the hallway where the blacksmith is into the newly opened doors. Here you will find Fia has killed D. Loot his body for D’s Bell Bearing and the Twinned Set. Speak to Fia and then she will disappear.
Get the Cursemark of Death
Fia leaves the Roundtable Hold and goes to the location called the Deeproot Depths. Your next step is to go down to the Deeproot Depths to find her. Before you do this I recommend completing at least half of Ranni’s quest. This allows you to get the item called the Cursemark of Death which Fia requests you to find. The Cursemark of Death is found on top of the Divine Tower of Liurnia, which is only accessible by getting the Carian Inverted Statue from Ranni after you find the Nokron treasure for her.
Find Fia in Deeproot Depths and Complete the Boss Fight
Once you have the Cursemark of Death it’s time to go tothe Deeproot Depths. This location is accessible through the Siofra Well by way of the Star crater. From the Mimic Tear boss fight in this area head along the bridge going to the northeast. Take the path going west from the bridge and ride it all the way to the ruins at the end.

Go northeast past the ruins into the forest (you will be to the west of the Hallowhorn Grounds). Continue northeast until you reach a cliff. There is a corpse here with an item. Drop down where the corpse is to reach a ledge below. Follow the ledge path into the cave to reach the Aqueduct-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace.
Defeat the Valiant Gargoyle Duo Bosses
From the Aqua-Duct Facing Cliffs Site of Grace head northeast/east along the cliff until you reach the end. Drop down onto the roof below. Drop off the roof onto the ground of the building below to reach the Siofra Aqueducts. From here head northeast/east until you reach a waterfall. Turn right at the water fall to find some stairs leading to a boss arena. This fight is with a Valiant Gargoyle. When you get it down to half health another appears. Defeat both to complete the boss fight.
Use the Coffin to Reach Deeproot Depths
In the Valiant Gargoyle duo boss arena you will find the Great Waterfall Basin Site of Grace in the northwest corner. Headover an claim this Site of Grace. From the Site of Grace look further northwest and you will see a coffin. Approach the coffin and stand next to it to trigger a prompt. Hit the prompt button to Rest in Coffin. This takes you to the Deeproot Depths area.
Reach Fia
The Deeproot Depths location is somewhat large and confusing to explore. Fia is basically at the very top most point of the map. To get to this point you need to make your way through the outer area of the location to the town. To reach the town go west from the Great Waterfall Crest Site of Grace to find a tree you can use to cross the chasm. Continue heading west until you reach a cliff with the Deeproot Depths Site of Grace on it. You will also find two-fingers here.
From the Site of Grace go northeast then north to reach The Nameless Eternal City. Make your way to the south-end of the city to find The Nameless Eternal City Site of Grace. Sit at it.

When you are ready to go to Fia head east from the Site of Grace. You will see root snaking its way up the city. Ride up to the very top of this root and you will find a root on your left that you can jump to next to the second building. Jump to this root then ride to the top. Drop down to the cliff below to find the Across the Roots Site of Grace. When you are ready for the boss fight go inside the arena.
Defeat Fia’s Guardians
Inside the arena run northeast toward the big bug. When you get close enough the first of Fia’s Guardians will appear. Dispense this boss then another will appear. Defeat the second guardian and three will spawn in. Defeat all three to end the boss fight. You get Fia’s Mist and unlock the Site of Grace here.
Speak to Fia and Give Her the Cursemark of Death

Fia is sitting on the root directly northeast of where the Site of Grace is located. Go over to her and speak to her. When prompted say “No, I want to be held.” As you are held by here you will be prompted to “Talk in Secret” select this option twice. After the second time choose to Give Cursemark of Death to Fia (since we already got it). You will receive Radiant Blaldachin’s Blessing. Talk in Secret with her until you exhaust her dialogue.
Defeat the Lichdragon Fortissax
Reload the area by fast traveling out and back again. When you return Fia will be dead. Touch Fia to enter the Deathbed Dream. Inside this dream you fight a boss dragon named Lichdragon ortissax. Defeat it to receive his Remembrance and to return to the Deeproot Depths. After you defeat the dragon Fia’s body will have an item above it. Take the Mending Rune of the Death-Prince from it.
This ends Fia’s questline. The item you receive from Fia at the very end can be used to trigger an alternate ending to the game. When you reach the Stone Platform after fighting the Elden Beast you can use the Mending Rune of the Death-Prince to trigger an ending called Age of Duskborn.
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