Elden Ring Colosseum PvP Update Things to Know

Elden Ring received a Patch today called Patch 1.08. This patch featured a number reworks to the game and some new additions. Easily the biggest new addition added in Patch 1.08 is the opening of the in-game colosseums for PvP battles. To learn more about this new addition see the things to know about the Elden Ring colosseum PvP update below.
Where are the Colosseums in Elden Ring?
The first question you probably have regarding the new update, is where to find all of the colosseums. In total there are 3 colosseums that are now active in the game. These colosseums are located in Limgrave, Caelid and Leyndell. As the name colosseum suggests the buildings are large combat focused arenas players can go inside. For exact locations of each see below.
Limgrave Colosseum Location

The first of the battle arenas is the Limgrave Colosseum. This location can be found in the northern section of Limgrave. On your map look for a round building at the edge. The building lies at the very end of the north path from the Warmaster’s Shack. Go to this location and enter it through the doors to have it marked on your map.
Caelid Colosseum Location

The next of the battle arenas is located in Caelid. This arena is called the Caelid Colosseum. It is located in the northern portion of the area. To reach the Caelid Colosseum you need to use the Siofra River Well elevator that requires 2x Stonesword Keys to activate. This elevator takes you up to the path leading to the colosseum. Just outside the colosseum you will find the Great Jar. Go behind this NPC to reach the front doors. Go inside to have the location marked on your map.
Leyndell Colosseum Location

The last of the colosseums is located in Leyndell, Royal Capital. It is located on the large mountain on the the south side of the Royal Capital. Make your way up the path to reach the top of the mountain. Here you will find the colosseum. Open the door and head inside to mark it on your map.
Marika Statue in the Roundtable Hold
If physically going to any of the locations mentioned above seems like a pain, there is a simpler option. In the Roundtable Hold there is now a Statue of Marika next to the fireplace. This statue can be interacted with. It brings up the PvP menu and allows you to compete in the different match types from the comfort of this location.
What are the Colosseums for in Elden Ring?
Now that you know where the colosseums are you may be wondering what they are for. Well, as of Patch 1.08, these locations are where you go to access organized PvP. Each of the three colosseums offers players different types of PvP content to take part in against different players. The locations offer the following modes: Duel, United Combat, and Combat Ordeal. They also give the option to allow or disallow using Spirit Ashes in each game mode.
- Duels: 1v1 battles against another player.
- United Combat: 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 team battles.
- Combat Ordeal: Free-For-All battles ranging 2 participants to 6.
The different game modes have different rules associated with them. When you start a game up you can view those rules on the colosseum screen. Before diving into a match you may wish to read them over to ensure you have a general idea of what you are playing.
Are there Special Rewards from the Colosseum PvP?
Many people are wondering if it is worth taking part in PvP modes in Elden Ring. The answer to this is that it depends. There are no special rewards, items, armor pieces, or cosmetics tied to taking part in the colosseum PvP modes. They exist purely for players that want to test their skills against others in a more structured environment. This is not to say that things may be added later. Historically, however, FromSoftware has not tied very much to PvP content.
A new major patch for Elden Ring has brought Ray Tracing to the game. This means players will experience better lighting than was previously in the game.
Thoughts on our Elden Ring colosseum PvP Update guide? Anything to add? Drop a comment in the comments below.