Destiny 2: Crimson Days Guide

Destiny 2 is currently holding a seasonal event in celebration of Valentine’s Day. This seasonal event is well known to players and makes its return in 2020. Called Crimson Days, this seasonal event focuses on friendship, specifically playing certain events with a buddy. To help you learn what’s inside this new seasonal event, check out our Crimson Days guide below.
How to Start Crimson Days Seasonal Event?

Crimson Days can be started by speaking to Lord Shaxx at the Tower. When you speak to Lord Shaxx you will receive a new emblem called Fire of the Crimson Days. After you accept this emblem you will be taken to the Lord Shaxx screen which features new Crimson Bounties to complete and event rewards to unlock. Keep in mind you want to have a fellow player you can bond with in order to participate in this seasonal event.
How to Earn Confectionery Hearts During Crimson Days?

Once you have a friend to bond with you and your friend can complete certain activities to earn this seasonal event’s currency called Confectionery Hearts. Like previous seasonal events, the event currency can be spent to earn event specific rewards (both past and present). To earn Confectionery Hearts you want can complete the following activities:
- Crimson Bounties (both PvE and PvP themed).
- Crimson Days Crucible matches (matches with other players if solo).
The more Confectionery Hearts you earn, the more of the event rewards you can purchase from Lord Shaxx.
What Event Rewards are Available During Crimson Days?
As mentioned above Confectionery Hearts can be used to purchase new season event items from Lord Shaxx. These seasonal event items include the new Exotic Sparrows and previous Crimson Days items. Here’s what you can buy from Lord Shaxx during the event:
- Tirastrella Shell (25 Confectionery Hearts): Legendary Ghost Shell.
- Undettered (50 Confectionery Hearts): Exotic Vehicle.
- The Vow (100 Confectionery Hearts): Legendary Masterwork Combat Bow.
- Dieselpunk (125 Confectionery Hearts): Exotic Weapon Ornament for The Wardcliff Coil.
- SVC-12 (50 Confectionery Hearts): Exotic Vehicle (NEW).
- IVC-10 (50 Confectionery Hearts): Exotic Vehicle (NEW).
- Warmhearted Gift (5 Confectionery Hearts): Rare Package; can be opened for Glimmer, Weapons, and Gear.
- Flaunting Dance (150 Confectionery Hearts): Legendary Emote.
Note there are returning Crimson Days items in the Eververse store you will want to check out if you missed them. Check our Eververse store page here to see what items are currently available.
That’s all you need to know about the Crimson Days in Destiny 2. This event will run from February 11 to February 18th. The Crimson Days marks the end of the road map for the Season of Dawn with a new season planned to launch sometime in March.