Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Safe Codes Guide

In the campaign of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 there are special safes that players can find. These safes are scattered through a few levels and they can be unlocked by finding the right codes for them. To help make your life easier, here’s our full Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Safe Codes guide.
El Sin Nombre Safe Code

In the El Sin Nombre mission there is a safe you can unlock. Advance through the mission until you go upstairs after the interrogation. Here you will play out a stealth sequence. During this sequence you must acquire a keycode. While you are doing this you can unlock a safe in Diego’s room.
To find the safe and the safe code make your way to the second level of the penthouse area. In this area go to Diego’s room. Here you will find a painting of Lazar Salgado. On the painting is a date that says 02/02/2019. This is the safe code. Take the code and go into the closet and input the code 02-02-19 to open the safe to get a Lockwood 300 shotgun and some armor.
Alone Safe 1: Coffee Shop Code

As you make your way through the Alone campaign mission you will eventually enter a coffee shop called Loncheria Quana. You enter this shop on the second floor. Do not drop down. Instead turn left and you will find a locked door. Pry open the door and go inside to find the coffee shop’s manager’s office. Inside the office is the first safe of the Alone level.
To open the manager’s office safe look at the calendar on the wall. The calendar has a few markings on it which gives us the safe code. The code is 10-10-80. Input the code into the safe to open it. Inside you will find a Throwing Knife and a Suppressed Deagle.
Alone Safe 2: El Maistro Garage Code

Once you’ve left the coffee shop you need to reach some tunnels leading to the church. Before going to the tunnels head left when facing away from the coffee shop. Follow the road and you will arrive at a garage called the El Maistro. Go inside the garage when you reach.

In the garage, in the middle section, you will find an open laptop. Look at the laptop screen and you will see a number on it that says 376080. This is the safe code. Head into the back break room in the back corner to reach the safe. Input the code 37-60-80 to unlock the safe. Inside you will find a Throwing Knife and the Crossbow.
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Safe Codes Video Guide
If the text guide above didn’t cut it for you, the video above should help. This video, created by Hold To Reset, features a quick walkthrough for all three of the safes referenced above. If you found the video helpful please give us a like and consider subscribing to the channel for more video guides.
All of the safes listed above contain items that will help you complete the level you are in. Besides the additional items there is a trophy/achievement tied to opening the three listed safes above. This trophy/achievement is called the Gentleman Thief. Opening the three safes listed above unlocks it.
Thoughts on our Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 safe codes guide? Drop them in the comments below.
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