Borderlands 3: The Compactor Crew Challenges Guide

The third area you will visit in The Handsome Jackpot is called The Compactor. As the name of this locations suggests, this portion of the casino is designed to deal with garbage. Inside this massive compactor room you will find a couple Crew Challenges to complete. Use our The Compactor Crew Challenges Guide to complete all the challenges in this area.
The Compactor Crew Challenges Locations Map
The map above shows you the location of the Two Crew Challenges in the The Compactor area of The Handsome Jackpot. For more information about the exact locations you can check the descriptions below.
Torgue’s Marketing Mistake Location: Inside Container Near Spewing Pipes

You can find this bottle of hot sauce inside the open container beneath the buildings on the walkway above. Only one side of the container is open. Simply shoot into it to blow-up the bottle. This is the only bottle of hot sauce in the level.
Mayor’s Killer Look: Gorgeous Armada in VIP Room Refuse Ridge

The Gorgeous Armada enemy can be found inside the VIP room in the tunnel leading to Refuse Ridge. To enter this room you need to pay cash. Once inside you will encounter the Gorgeous Armada enemy. Defeat it to complete this Crew Challenge.
That’s all the Crew Challenge locations for The Compactor. Completing these challenges is necessary if you wish to 100% this area. Thoughts on this post? Drop a comment in the comments below. Thanks for reading.