Borderlands 3: Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot Boss List

For the base game of Borderlands 3 I put together a boss list (can be found here) for players to use to keep track of the bosses they’ve fought in the game. Since there is a new DLC out, I figured I would put another list together for the first DLC, Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot. Check below to find our Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot boss list.
Scraptrap Nest & Scraptrap Prime

Location: The Compactor.
The first major boss you fight in the Mooxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot DLC is a Scraptrap Nest and Scraptrap Prime. This boss fight takes places over two sequence with the first being the Scraptrap nest then the second section being the fight with Scraptrap Prime. Once both are killed you can get the AI chip to advance the storyline.
Fabricator MK II

Location: Jack’s Secret
The next major boss you will fight is found in the area known as Jack’s Secret. This boss is a large mech that fabricates loaders during the fight. You need to defeat the Fabricator to advance the main story line of the DLC.
Freddie the Traitor

Location: VIP Tower
When you reach the VIP Tower area you will face off against Freddie the Traitor and his two mechs. To defeat this boss you need to defeat boss the mechs and Freddie. Once you’ve done this you will gain access to the elevator that allows you to go higher into the VIP Tower.
Pretty Boy and His Mech

Location: VIP Tower
The final boss of the DLC story is Prettyboy and His Mech. When this fight starts Prettyboy jumps into a mech that looks just like Handsome Jack. During this fight the mech will heal 3x times before the final fourth round which is when you can actually kill him. Once defeated you will see the credits for this DLC.
That’s all the major bosses you will face off against in the Borderlands 3 Moxxi’s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot DLC. What did you think of the collection of bosses Gearbox gave us? Let me hear your thoughts in comments below.