Blasphemous 2 Abilities (Relics of Contrition)

Blasphemous 2 abilities (AKA Relics of Contrition) are special traversal mechanics players unlock as they venture through the game’s main storyline. These mechanics allow you to explore more areas of the world by unlocking new moves that give The Penitent One more traversal options. To learn more about these abilities and where to find them, see our Blasphemous 2 abilities guide below.

NOTE: The following abilities are naturally found as you progress through the game’s main storyline. To reach the very end of the game you will need to collect all 4 of the Relics of Contrition listed below. If you don’t want their locations spoiled, don’t read on.

Ability 1: Ivy of Ascension (Wall Climb) Location

Ability Details: Allows the player to climb certain surfaces.

In Blasphemous 2, you’ll acquire the initial ability known as Ivy of Ascension in the Profundo Lamento area. To advance through the City of the Blessed Name you visit this location below the city. As you explore this area you will encounter a room with a tough enemy. Defeat the enemy and an NPC named Yerma will then appear and speak to you. Leave this room to the right and walk on the breakable floor. You will fall to the room below. Interact with the statue in this room to get the first ability.

Ability 2: Passage of Ash (Double Jump) Location

Image showing the location of the Passage of Ash ability in Blasphemous 2's Beneath Her Sacred Grounds location.
The Passage of Ash ability is located in this room at the bottom of Beneath Her Sacred Grounds.

Ability Details: Allows players to double jump.

After you’ve defeated the Three Regrets the Elevated Temple appears above the City of the Blessed Name. Before venturing up to this location players are prompted to visit the Beneath Her Sacred Grounds area. In this area you fight a boss named Afilaor, Sentinel of the Emery. After the boss fight you visit a room that has this second ability in it.

Ability 3: Mercy of the Wind (Air Dash) Location

Image showing the location of the Mercy of the Wind ability in Blasphemous 2's Crown of Towers location.
The Mercy of the Wind ability is located in this room in the Crown of Towers.

Ability Details: Allows players to dash while in the air. Players can use dash to pass through blue chains barriers.

Once you’ve visited the top of the Elevated Temple a new location appears called Bastilica of Absent Faces. Go to this location and follow the linear pass through it to reach the eastside of the Crown of Towers. In the Crown of Towers location go to the room shown above. Use Sarmiento & Centella to warp through the gate to reach the third ability.

Ability 4: Scion’s Protection (Climb Ornaments) Location

Image showing the location of the Scion's Protection ability in Blasphemous 2's The Severed Tower location.
The Scion’s Protection ability is located in this room in The Severed Tower.

Ability Details: Allows the player to climb ornaments held by the Brothers of the Miracle to reach higher places.

Continue through the main storyline until you reach The Severed Tower. In The Severed Tower head to the room shown on the screenshot. In this room you will find a statue holding the fourth ability. Claim it to leave the room.

That’s all four of the abilities players can collect in Blasphemous 2. Once you’ve acquired all of the abilities listed above you will unlock the Ultima Ratio trophy/achievement. Additionally you are able to complete all of the map using these abilities and your weapon’s traversal mechanics to explore all of the map.

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