Yellow Devils S.01 Guide: Deadly Premonition 2 A Blessing in Disguise

There are a number of side quests for players to complete in Deadly Premonition 2 A Blessing in Disguise. The first official side quest is called S.01 Yellow Devils. This side quest can be started by speaking to Melvin at the Police Station. When you speak to him he mentions bees causing trouble for the town residents. You need to take them out. Learn how to complete this side quest in our Yellow Devils S.01 guide below.
Where to Complete Yellow Devils (AKA Find Bees)

Once you’ve spoken to Melvin at the police station you can head out to find bees to kill. The easiest bee spawn point we’ve found is the Park between the cemetery and church. In this park there are four beehives that spawn in the trees on the northside. Run up to the beehives and bees will swarm you shoot the swarm then shoot the beehive they came out of. Do this for all four beehives then head away from the hives. Wait a few seconds and the beehives will respawn. Continue to respawn the beehives until you reach 30 bees killed. Once the side quest is completed head back to the police station and speak to Melvin to turn it in.
You won’t get the bounty for this side quest until you complete a series of hunting quests for Melvin. The next side quest in the quest line is S.02 The Natural Born Wild Bunch. This quest tasks you with hunting 30 Wild Dogs to complete. This quest is followed by S.03 which tasks you with killing 30 Alligators.