World War Z Episodes List

In World War Z the campaign is separated into episodes which feature certain characters. Each episode tells the story of a location and a group of survivors trying to flee the zombie hordes. Below I have put together a World War Z episodes list.
Episode 1: New York

“AS US Army helicopters lead the infected swarms out of Manhattan towards a massive kill zone in the Bronx, four stranded New Yorkers attempt a risky escape through the subway to an evacuation center on the Hudson River.” This episode includes the following levels:
- Descent: “Left to die by the army helicopters buzzing overhead, four New Yorkers have no choice but to fight their way to freedom. Rumor tells of a shady character who will get them out of the city on a subway train – for a price.”
- Tunnel Vision: “Huge maintenance doors block the train’s path north. The driver’s associated on the inside was supposed to be on hand to open the doors, but the radio is silent. The only option is to leave the train and go in on foot.”
- Hell and High Water: “The scream of countless swarms rises above the thundering of high powered ballistics. As the army wages total war on the zombies, four desperate survivors make a dash for the Hudson in hopes of escaping the madness.”
The characters in this episode are: Angel Flores, Tashaun Burnell, Bunko Tatsumi, and Arnette Larkin. Completing the New York episode on any difficult unlocks the Escape Trophy/Achievement.
Episode 2: Jerusalem

“A group of survivors receive a distress call from a man linked to a classified superweapon. They embark on a journey through the Holy City and across the Judean desert to a military bunker that may hold the key to survival.” This episode includes the following levels:
- Brain Surgery: “When Jerusalem fell, Dr. Alex Greengold and his research team were cut off in the heart of the Old City. Six weeks later, Greengold is trapped and in desperate need of rescue.”
- Dead Sea Stroll: “An auto air defense system guards the Rah-ahm base. The only way to get close is on the ground. With infected swarms roaming the desert, finding cover is the first priority.
- Tech Support: “Not on any map, the Rah-ahm base is the command center for a classified satellite defense system. The base went dark when the virus hit, but if Greengold can get inside he may be able to get the weapon online.”
The characters in this episode are: Judd Whitaker, Dina Mizrahi, Ethan Wolfe, And Daniel Alahey. Completing the Jerusalem episode on any difficult unlocks the Hope Trophy/Achievement.
Episode 3: Moscow

“Four desperate survivors on the outskirts of infected Moscow are forced to enter the city in search of food. When they witness a helicopter crash, their scavenging mission becomes a race to liberate the Russian capital.” This episode includes the following levels:
- A Sign from Above: “As an icy wind whips through the streets of abandoned Moscow, four desperate survivors brave the infected hordes in search of food. When they see a chopper crash into the frozen river, they must race against time to save the crew.”
- Key to the City: “In a bid to rescue a lost military unit, Father Popov leads his flock into the hornets nest. According to the sole survivor of the helicopter crash, finding this team could be the key to Russia’s survival.”
- Battle of Nerves: “Beneath the Kremlin, inside a Soviet era bunker, lies a terrifying Cold War weapon. When activated, it will pump the most deadly nerve gas ever created into the streets of Moscow, wiping out the living and the undead alike.”
The characters in this episode are: Oksana Orlovskaya, Ivan Dovchenko, Timur Yushkevich, and Sergei Popov. Completing the Moscow episode on any difficult unlocks the Salvation of the Motherland Trophy/Achievement.
Episode 4: Tokyo

“Quick to respond to the global outbreak, Japan decides to evacuate the country. A volunteer search and rescue team must battle the hordes to protect the civilian population as they retreat to Tokyo harbor.” This episode includes the following levels:
- Setting Sun: “As the last of the gigantic rescue ships stands ready to leave Tokyo harbor, a search and rescue team must battle the hordes to protect a civilian convoy on it’s route to safety.”
- Final Call: “As thousands of infected flood the streets of Tokyo, rescue team four must fight side by side with the military to protect the evacuation forces as they struggle to load the last of the civilians onto a huge cruise ship.”
The characters in this episode are: Sho Sugiyama, Kimiko Nomura, Tatsuo Matsumoto, and Hiroji Okado. There is no trophy/achievement tied to completing this Episode (though you need to complete it for This is just the beginning trophy/achievement).
These are all the current episodes in World War Z. I expect Focus Home to drop some more episodes over the life of this game. We don’t know when or what, but Tom Butler has mentioned there will be a Roadmap for the game coming soon.
What do you think of the different episodes in World War Z. Any stand out in particular to you? Let me know in the comments. Also check out our other World War Z content like how to access the game’s DLC items, the different zombie types, and the skill unlocks for each class.