Where to Get Mandrake in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy Mandrake for sale.

In Hogwarts Legacy there are a wide variety of tools at the players disposal that shape how they play the game. One tool players can use in combat is plants. Plants can be summoned in battle for support or used to make special potions. A plant you will need to acquire is the Mandrake. To help you find it here’s our complete where to get Mandrake in Hogwarts Legacy guide.

Purchase Mandrake Plants from Dogweed & Deathcap

Visit the Dogweed & Deathcap vendor at this location.

The easiest method to acquiring Mandrake is to purchase the grown plants from the store called Dogweed & Deathcap on the north side of Hogsmeade. This special shop sells a variety of plants including Mandrake. To purchase a Mandrake simply speak to the shopkeeper and select it from the Combat Tools section. Each plant costs a total of 500 Galleons to purchase.

Grow Mandrake Plants in Room of Requirement

Hogwarts Legacy Mandrake Seeds for sale.
Purchase Mandrake Seeds from Dogweed & Deathcap.

If you don’t simply want to buy Mandrake for use you can also grow your own plants. To do this make your way back to Dogweed & Deathcap. Instead of buying the Combat Tools Mandrake purchase the Mandrake Seed Packet for 800 Galleons.

Hogwarts Legacy Mandrake growing.
Mandrake takes 10 minutes to grow.

Once you have the Mandrake Seed you need to plant it and let it grow. To do this make your way to the Room of Requirement. To grow the Mandrake Plant requires a Potting Table with at least a small pot to grow it in. When the seed is planted it takes 10 minutes to yield one plant. You can use Fertilizer to increase your yield per pot.

Find Mandrake While Exploring

The last method of getting Mandrake is finding it out while you are exploring. This method is one of the harder ways to go about getting Mandrake since it requires searching areas for the plant. While you are exploring use your Revelio spell to highlights plants around you. Mandrake appear as plants with flowers on top. They grow in clusters together with other Mandrake plants.

That’s all you need to know about the ways to get Mandrake in Hogwarts Legacy. This plant is required (along with Venomous Tentacula) to complete the Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1 side quest.

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