Where to Find the Millionaire’s Key in Bloodstained Ritual of the Night

As you travel through the world of Bloodstained Ritual of the Night you will come across certain doors which require keys to open. One such door can be found in the Hall of Termination area. To unlock it you need the Millionaire’s Key. This guide will show you where to find the Millionaire’s Key.
Reach the Den of Behemoths
In order to get this key you need to advance along the main story line until you reach the Den of Behemoths. This can be done by acquiring Zangetsu’s sword then using it on the Red Moon during the Gebel fight. After this you will be able to open a portal to the Den of Behemoths in the Garden of Silence.
Invert to Ceiling Over Bridge
At the Den of Behemoths make your way to the room marked on the map above. In this room there is long bridge that is broken in the center. Invert on the bridge and head along the ceiling to reach a Green Chest. Open this Green Chest to get the Millionaire’s Key.
What to Do with the Millionaire’s Key
Once you have the Millionaire’s Key in your possession, make your way to the Fast Travel room in the Hall of Termination. Leave the room and exit this next room via the bottom right exit. Jump across to the locked door. Head inside to face off against a Millionaire’s Bane demon. Defeat it to earn the Jackpot shard.
More: check out where to get the Carpenter’s Key.