The Division 2: NSA Security Alert Collectibles Guide

Featured image on NSA Security Alert Collectibles Guide for The Division 2

In The Division 2 there are Classified Assignments players can complete to earn loot, XP, and new Backpack Trophies. These missions are scattered across the map and feature self-contained levels to complete. One of the Classified Assignments found in the East Mall area is called the NSA Security Alert. Use our NSA Security Alert Collectibles Guide below to find all the collectibles in this Classified Assignment.

NSA Security Alert Collectibles List

Image showing the Pizza Backpack Trophy in The Division 2.

While completing this Classified Assignment you want to look for collectibles in this level. The collectibles in this assignment are as follows:

  • 3x Collectibles:
    • Erica Gonzales Recording 42.
    • Ivan Grekov Recording 2.
    • Gordon Amherst Recording 118.
  • 1x Pizza Backpack Trophy.

Each collectible you find listed above will earn you XP. This can be a useful way to easily earn some XP while out on this mission.

NSA Security Alert Collectibles Locations Video Guide

As mentioned above there are a total of 5 collectibles in this Classified Assignment. These collectibles are scattered throughout the level and need must be interacted with in order to collect. To help you find the locations of all the collectibles check out the video by GCROCK above. If you don’t want to watch the video above use the brief description of each collectible location in the list below.

NSA Security Alert Collectibles Text Guide

  • Erica Gonzales Recording 42 (Collectible 1): Turn on the Generator as part of the mission. As you head back towards the Data Center head inside the Conference Room on your left. Head into the Communal Area to find this collectible next to a laptop on a desk.
  • Ivan Grekov Recording 2 (Collectible 2): Inside the Personnel Quarters in Room 2 on a chair.
  • Gordon Amherst Recording 118 (Collectible 3): Can be found inside the Data Analysis room in the hub area. Requires keycard Level 7 to access.
  • Ice Cream Cone Backpack Trophy (Collectible 4): Reboot the servers and defeat the enemy that appear. Don’t go back, instead make your way to the left of the server reboot room and climb the rocks there. Go along the path here until you reach a moving fan. Go past the fan and stand on the rock ledge. Look to your right for a power box. Shoot it to stop the fan. Go into the fan duct work and follow it through to the Commanding Officer room. In this room is the Pizza Backpack Trophy.

Once you’ve collected all of the collectibles listed above, you can leave the level. That’s all you need to do to complete the NSA Security Alert mission. Enjoy your Pizza Backpack Trophy.

Thoughts on our NSA Security Alert collectibles guide? Drop them in The Pit below.



A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

4 responses

  1. Darkcode1965 says:

    Excellent, simplement le condensé court. Merci

  2. Cobra2Actual says:

    I have the year pass and finished 7 classified assignments. Any particular reason why this one doesn’t show on my map, nor on the door when I’m standing in front of it?

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