Resident Evil 4 Remake 100k Sellable Item Guide

In Resident Evil 4 Remake players can sell various treasures to the Merchant to make money. The amount you get varies, but there is one combination that can net you some serious coin. Keep reading below to learn more about getting the Resident Evil 4 Remake 100k sellable item.
Where to Get an Elegant Crown

To make the 100k+ sellable item you need to first acquire the base item for it. The item you need to find is the Elegant Crown. The Elegant Crown is located in the Chapter 10. Make your way through this level until you reach the ending portion of the Depths. Here you enter a old building. In the hallway next to the breakable wall you will find the Elegant Crown.
How to Sell the Elegant Crown for 100k+ ptas
Once you have the Elegant Crown the next step is to inlay Gemstones into it to greatly increase its value. There are a couple of different ways you can do this and both will net you at least 100k or above in sell value. The layouts are:
Elegant Crown 1 (Sell Value = 100k ptas.)
- 1x Sapphire.
- 1x Yellow.
- 1Emerald.
- 1x Alexandrite
- 1x Red Beryl.
Elegant Crown 2 (Sell Value = 108k ptas.)
- 2x Yellow Diamond.
- 3x Red Beryl.
Besides selling for a large amount of ptas, selling the Elegant Crown in one of the two gem orientations listed above unlocks the Astute Appraiser trophy/achievement.
Selling the Elegant Crown using either method above is a good way to unlock the different weapon’s max upgrades. One sale gives enough ptas which allows you to purchase one weapon final upgrade.
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