Resident Evil 3: How to Open the Hospital Safe

Towards the end of Resident Evil 3 you will enter a hospital where you need to make a vaccine for Jill. During this period of exploration you will encounter a number of lootable containers including a safe inside the room called the Nurses’ Station. Like other safes you need to input a specific combination to open this safe. To help you find the combination use our how to open the hospital safe guide below.
Where to Find the Nurses’ Station Safe

You can find the Nurses’ Station on the second floor of the Hospital level in Resident Evil 3. This room is accessible while you are searching for the audiocassette. When you arrive at the location marked on the map above you will see the safe on the counter behind the reception desk.
Nurses’ Station Safe Combination

Note: This safe can be opened by either Jill or Carlos. Keep this in mind when deciding who you want to have the upgrade.
To open this safe you need to find the combination which is located in the Operating Room. If you don’t feel like getting the combination you can simply input it since we’ve done the leg work for you. The combination for the Nurses’ Station is 9 right, 3 left. Once this safe is opened you will receive the Dual Magazine (Assault Rifle) upgrade.
That’s all you need to know to open the Hospital safe. This is the last major safe in the game. If you’ve followed our guides up to this point you will have accessed all the safes in Resident Evil 3.