Remnant From the Ashes Earth Dungeons List

Remnant: From the Ashes is a procedurally generated shooter that emphasizes multiple playthroughs. Each new roll of the campaign results in a new set of dungeons for players to explore on each world. To help you keep track of each dungeon I am putting together lists of each planet’s dungeons. Check out the our Earth dungeons list below.
- Earth is broken up into four maps: the City area before the Church (city area #1), the Church, the City area after (city area #2) the Church, the Church, and The Keeper’s Tower. Both the Church and The Keeper’s Tower are fixed locations due to the storyline.
- City area #1 will always be laid out the following way: one mini dungeon boss (Shroud/Gilgore), one no boss dungeon, and the Subway.
- City area #2 will always be laid out the following way: one mini dungeon boss, one no boss dungeon, and a world boss.
- You can narrow down what dungeon you are entering by observing the entrance to the dungeon. Each dungeon takes place within a certain environment, which is directly reflected in its entrance.
Earth Boss Dungeons
There are a total of six possible bosses for players to fight on Earth. Of these six bosses, four are dungeon bosses and two are end world bosses. You will potentially see two dungeon bosses and one world boss per run.
- Sunken Passage (Sewer Entrance): Make your way through this are to reach another area called The Grinder.
- The Grinder: Home of the boss called Gilgore.
- The Hidden Sanctum (Sewer Entrance): Make your way through this area to reach an area called The Tainted Well.
- The Tainted Well: Home of the boss called Shroud.
- Cutthroat Channel (Sewer Entrance): This is a bandit area. Make your way through Cutthroat Channel to reach The Depot.
- The Depot: Home of the boss called Brabus. Can be given the Pocket Watch for the Bandit Armor.
- The Tangled Pass (Crack Underground): Make your way through The Tangled Pass to reach the boss area, The Artery.
- The Artery: Home of the boss called Mangler.
- The Choking Hollow (Tunnel Entrance): This area houses the end world boss, The Ent.
- The Ash Yard (Tunnel Entrance): This area houses the end world boss, Singe.
- Leto’s Laboratory (Building Entrance): This area starts with Research Area Alpha. Upon escape of the Lab you will enter The Cursed Station.
- The Cursed Station: Home of the boss Riphide.
Earth No Boss Dungeons
Alongside the boss dungeons, there are a number of no boss dungeons which feature challenges for you to complete to unlock different items. These no boss dungeons typically involve surviving waves,
- Hidden Grotto (Sewer Entrance): Get the Hunter’s Key from the Hunter by the Checkpoint at the start of the dungeon. Once you have the key make your way through the Hidden Grotto to reach the locked door. Open the locked door with Hunter’s Key to and plunder the room to get the Hunter’s Pistol.
- Junk Town (Sewer Entrance): Junk Town is home to an NPC named the Mad Merchant. You can talk with this NPC and not mention his mask to trade with him. If you keep mentioning his mask he will attack you. Kill him to get the Twisted Mask armor Piece. Wear this mask when speaking to the Wailing Wood to get the Bark Skin trait.
- Subway: This is a story based dungeon that will always be in a playthrough. You must pass through the Subway to reach the Root Mother at the Church.
- The Warren (Crack underground): Head through The Warren area to reach Land’s End.
- Land’s End: Help the two Liz’s defend themselves from the oncoming Root assault.
- The Gallows (Tunnel Entrance): You need to survive waves of enemies while you wait for the Metamorphosis to occur. Once you’ve completed the objective you can interact with The Root Shrine to make the Twisted Armor Set.
- Marrow Pass (Sewer Entrance): Find and talk to Root Cultist to receive the Root Circlet. Once that is done destroy the 2x Root Nexus and then kill the Root Cultist to receive the Braided Thorns ring.
- Sorrow’s Field (Crack Underground): Dungeon that features a locked door which can be unlocked using the Monkey Key found inside the dungeon.
This concludes our Earth dungeons list. As you can see there are a number of dungeons for you to explore as you playthrough Remnant: From the Ashes. Let me know in The Pit below if you’ve visited all of the dungeons! Also be sure to check out our list of the Rohm dungeons.
The 2 Liz’s will give you a key to a nearby room with the Chicago Typewriter if they BOTH survive the encounter.
So in the Sunken passage dungeon, the boss at the end is called Gorefist, not “Gilgore”…
Also in Sorrows field if you get the Monkeys Keys you can open the door and get the assault rifle it isn’t a dead end.