Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Sinnoh Starter Egg

As part of the Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet Teal Mask DLC players can get a Sinnoh Starter Egg. To get this egg players must find a specific character in the Kitakami region. To learn where to get the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Sinnoh Starter Egg, and what to do with it, see our guide below.
Where to get the Sinnoh Starter Egg in The Teal Mask
To get the Sinnoh Starter Egg make your way into the DLC region of Kitakami. In this region head to the Mossui Town. Exit the town by following the road going to the east called Reveler’s Road. As you leave the town via this you will see a red archway. Turn right from the archway and walk towards the tree you see in the distance. Next to this tree you will find Jacq. Speak to him.
Jacq tells you that he is visiting to learn more about the Pokemon in this region and also to check up on your trip progress. You and Jacq then have a brief picnic together during which he gives you the Sinnoh Starter Egg. This egg goes into either your party or your box depending on the current space available.
What to do with the Sinnoh Starter Egg in The Teal Mask
Once you get the Sinnoh Starter Egg from Jacq your next step is to hatch it. To hatch an egg in Pokemon you need to carry it around with you. This means placing the egg in your party and walking around with it. To speed up the hatching time you can keep a Pokemon with Flame Body in your party. When the Sinnoh Starter Egg does hatch you will get one of the following starter Pokemon:
- Turtwig.
- Chimchar.
- Piplup.
The Pokemon you get from the egg is random. If you want to grab the other Pokemon you will need to trade with your fellow players. An easy way to ensure you can make the trade is to breed whichever starter you received and use them in your trades. This ensures both parties get what they want out of the deal.
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