Plantation of Blood S.40 Guide: Deadly Premonition 2 A Blessing in Disguise

Upon completion of the first side quest (S.39) for Avery in Deadly Premonition 2 A Blessing in Disguise you will be able to access another quest from him. The second quest Avery gives is called Plantation of Blood. This quest tasks you with entering the Otherworld from the Plantation Control Cabin, where you must defeat the red shadow and recover something from the deepest room. To help you complete this quest use our Plantation of Blood S.40 guide below.
Where to find Item in Plantation Otherworld for Avery

To complete this side mission you must do it alongside M.18 since you enter the Sugar Can Plantation during this main story mission to advance the episode. All you have to do to find the item is reach the boss room where you fight Galena Clarkson. Defeat Galena then loot the Piece of Galena’s Heart item she drops on her death.
After you have the Piece of Galena’s Heart item advance through to the end of the Otherworld and complete the police station sequence. Once in control of York take the Piece of Galena’s Heart item you gathered from the Otherworld and head to Avery. Speak to Avery to show him the Piece of Galena’s Heart item. In return for showing this item Avery rewards you with 10x Oak Root.
Speak to Avery after completing this quest to unlock the next quest in his chain. The next quest Avery gives you is to complete the Clarkson House Otherworld sequence. This side quest is S.41 House House of the Crimson Devil.
Cheers Rob. I was wondering this same thing.
I had missed picking up the heart the first time around. To be fair, I did have a damn good look around the final boss area after I beat her, because I had a feeling there would be an important drop, and nothing was there.
I was wondering if this quest chain was now broken or not.
I went back into the control cabin just to see if the heart was now there and yes it was in front of the teleport in the boss room and I was able to grab it to complete the quest.
So whoever missed it the first time around, you can go back into the final boss room to obtain the heart item.
Dang, this must be glitched for me cause I’ve tried it twice now and there’s definitely nothing in the room or by the warp. Walked opposite ways around the edges, slowly to the inner middle and nothing 🙁 crap.
Just to clarify, you do NOT 100% need to do this during M.18, although it does save you a second run through of the dungeon.
So, if you’ve already complete M.18, re-enter the Plantation Control Cabin. Fight your way to the boss battle area, were you defeated Galena. The heart will be on the ground in front of the teleport glowy thing. Just pick it up and head back to Avery.