NBA 2K18 Neighborhood Guide: Everything You Need to Know!

NBA 2K18 introduces a brand new social space called the Neighborhood. This is where you’ll find other MyPLAYERS, NBA stars, shops, and lots of fun activities. If you’re looking for help navigating the Neighborhood and unlocking all its secrets, look no further! Check out our complete guide below.
Note: Check out our guides for other Neighborhoods in 2K19, 2K20, and 2K21.
G Training Facility
Where is it?: Right beside the Team Training Facility.
What is it?: The G Training Facility is where you can increase your MyPLAYER’s level cap. Inside, you’ll find various exercises to help improve your stats, such as:
- Leg Press
- Squats
- Battle Ropes
- Treadmill
- Dumbbell
- And more!
If you don’t feel like working out, head to the Gatorade Fuel Bar to buy consumables that give you Turbo boosts.
Team Training Facility
Where is it?: Behind a statue at the end of the street.
What is it?: The Team Training Facility lets you work on your MyPLAYER’s badges. You’ll complete drills to earn points that help you unlock or improve badges. You can also practice your shooting, but it doesn’t seem to offer any special benefits besides helping with shot release.
MyCOURT High – Rise
Where is it?: Across from the Team Training Facility, next to the theater.
What is it?: The MyCOURT High-Rise is your personal space. Inside, you’ll find a full-size court, a closet for changing clothes, and a large TV where you can watch NBA 2K18 TV.
The Venue
Where is it?: Directly across from your MyCOURT.
What is it?: The Venue is where you will find different themed game modes (depending on the week). Sometimes there will be wager modes while other times House Rules and so on.
Dunk Off Court
Where is it?: Right next to The Venue.
What is it?: The Dunk Off Court is where you can show off your dunking skills. You’ll have 30 seconds to make as many dunks as possible. The highest scores of the day get posted on the scoreboard.
VC Sports Management
Where is it?: Across from the Dunk Off Court.
What is it?: This is where your agent handles sponsorships and endorsements. After your first NBA game, your agent will offer you deals, but the office is only open when your agent messages you.
T Shirt Kiosk
Where is it?: Near the Dunk Off Court and Pro-Am Team Arena.
What is it?: At the T-shirt Kiosk, you can create and vote on custom t-shirts for your MyPLAYER. You need to be at least level 80 to create and purchase t-shirts.
Pro – Am Team Arena
Where is it?: Across from the NBA Store.
What is it?: The Pro-Am Team Arena lets you start or join a Pro-Am Team and play against other teams.
King of The Court
Where is it?: Head past the Pro-Am Arena and look for the court at the end of the street.
What is it?: King of The Court is a 1v1 mini-game where you compete to see who can reign supreme on the court.
Shops and Other Attractions
- NBA Store: Buy jerseys, hoodies, and accessories (available after leveling up).
- Foot Locker: Purchase sneakers for your MyPLAYER, both on and off the court.
- Recording Studio: Collaborate with NBA stars like Damian Lillard on tracks. This unlocks later in your first NBA season.
- Alley-Oops Tattoo: Get tattoos to customize your MyPLAYER.
- Swag’s: Buy streetball apparel and items from sponsors like Gatorade.
- Doc’s: Change your MyPLAYER’s haircut and facial hair.
Mini-Games and Fun Activities
- DowNRain: A shooting mini-game where you have 30 seconds to make as many shots as possible.
- 2K Zone: An arcade with fun mini-games, including mini-hoops and NBA trivia.
Fast Travel and Miscellaneous
- Newspaper Stand: Purchase Skill Boosts.
- The Playground: A spot for pickup games and casual matches with other players.
- Juice Cart: Replenish practice points to train extra badges
- Subway Stations: Fast travel between the Practice Facility and The Playground.
NBA 2K18’s Neighborhood is packed with activities and places to explore. Whether you’re improving your skills, customizing your MyPLAYER, or just having fun with mini-games, there’s always something new to discover. Use this guide to make the most of your time in the Neighborhood!
Thoughts on our NBA 2K18 Neighborhood guide? Drop them in the comments below.
How do you upgrade your my player on the nintendo switch?
Also what’s a cap break?
I also got an arm band but it’s not in my closet in mycourt.
How do i get to the main street
I can’t go into the neighborhood on the Nintendo switch
Really? It works for me
For me it does but i’m confused on how you upgrade your player.
i can’t even see the buy option for custom shirts
All you do is download you don’t have to buy them
Where’s Main Street news????
I’m in my 3rd season an my VC sports management has been closed since my 1st season how do I fix that
My neighboorhood is empty. I mean there’s no other player in streets
Do i need ps plus?
How do you put on in game epuipment eg headbans, Arm Sleaves etc
I have the same problem
Before you play a game you can go to your closet. There you can find it.
Where is the place to go fishing with Paul George i cannot find it
did you ever get an answer?
He texts you and it happens after you finish the following game
toxic playz where do i get the alley oops tattoo shirt
How come I cannot go to vc sports store it’s closed, and how do I buy vc?
You can only go in the vc sports management when your agent texts you to come do something. When that happens you just go there and that is where your agent will talk to you. And you buy vc by pressing triangle or Y
How do I activate a contract
How do you activate a contract?
The Newspaper Stand (Main Street News) is where you would boost for park, pro am and career.
Gaterade training facility
How to I get to the neighborhood? I’ve created my career but it’s the same as before just a Calendar of games…help please
You must be online I had the same issue and when I connected to WiFi it was perfect
If you are not connected to PlayStation plus or Xbox live, the Neighborhood isn’t available. I had the same problem until I got PlayStation plus
That means you don’t have PS Plus or online equivalent. You need to get that
How do I play my first game
Thank you for this guide. I got dizzy running around the neighborhood trying to find mycourt to change my shirt objective. Can’t believe they didn’t include a navigation or map and just expect us to know where everything is. Mycareer mode’s neighborhood is trash in 2k18. What a waste of time running around and around. This is a basketball game yet they are pushing it to be an RPG.
Thanks for reading! I wouldn’t mind the mode if it felt like it was more than just a reimagined menu 🙁
How do you get access to the recording studio
Not sure yet. I’ve seen people saying it triggers after like 15 games, but I haven’t received an invitation yet and I’m like 20+ games in.
After like 50 games
The recording studio is hidden in an alley by Foot locker
Where do I get the t-shirts with Gatorade or Mountain Dew on them for my endorsments?
All clothing items end up in your closet in your MyCOURT
i cant find the gatorade and mountain dew shirts too, they are not in the closet in MYCOURT
Thanks for setting it straight. Thought it worked like shoes.
you can find them in swags under premium clothes
Thanks for the reply!
Aston- u go to Swags- go to premium clothes- T-shirt’s- and its at the very bottom
what about the recording studio? where is that?
The Recording Studio is located in the alley on the right of the Foot Locker. Look for a door in the alley which leads to the Recording Studio. Guide has been update!
I had no idea that NBA2k has been making such a push to provide so many other things to do in the game… that and encourage microtransactions.