Hunting Legendary Animals in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey

As you run around Greece in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, you will notice an abundance of wildlife around. This wildlife can be hunted for their pelts and other resources to help you on your journey. While most of the animals you hunt will be normal, there exists a number of Legendary Animals to hunt. These animals are much harder to kill, but give some amazing rewards. Let’s take a look at how to go about hunting Legendary Animals in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.
How to Start Hunting Legendary Animals
- Make your way to the Temple of Artemis to start hunting Legendary Animals.
- Speak with the NPC Daphnae to start hunting some legendary animals.
When you arrive in Phokis make your way to the the Temple of Artemis to meet an NPC called Daphnae who is a Daughter of Artemis. Daphnae wants you to hunt a legendary beast, the Kalydonian Boar, located to the west of the temple. Completing this quest for Daphnae will unlock a number of legendary animal hunting quests. All of these quests are housed under “The Godesses’s Hunt” questline on your quest menu.
Note: the NPC in this questline can be romanced. If you want to pursue a romance with her, be sure to select every heart dialogue choice when interacting with her.
Kalydonian Boar
- Kalydonian Boar can be found just west of the Temple of Artemis.
- The first legendary animal you will hunt is the Kalydonian Boar.
The first animal you will be tasked with hunting is the Kalydonian Boar. This legendary animal can be found directly west of the Temple of Artemis. When you arrive in the area pictured above, you will be greeted by the Kalydonian Boar. Killing this animal will earn you its pelt which can be returned to Daphnae for the following:
- Artemis Bow (Legendary Bow).
- XP.
- Drachmae.
The Hind of Keryneia
- Here is the location of Keryneia. Make sure you are well geared.
- You need to defeat the Keryneia to earn its hind.
The second animal you will be asked to hunt is a Keryneia. The Keryneia can be found in the marsh on Euboea Island. When you enter the marsh area you will be attacked by the Keryneia. Once you’ve defeated the Keryneia, loot its body to get a number of resources. Return the hind to Daphnae to receive these items:
- XP
- Drachmae
- 5 Death Arrows.
The Nemean Lion (RL: 22)
- Here is the locations of the Nemean Lion.
- You will find the Nemean Lion to be one of the harder animals you’ve fought thus far.
Next up on list of legendary animals to hunt is the Nemean lion. You will find this wild lion roaming around the Sinkholes of Herakles. This fight area can be smack dab in the middle of the Sinkholes of Herakles area of Argolis. When you arrive in the area, the lion will attack you immediately. When you take down this legendary beast, return its Nemean Lion Pelt to Daphnae. For completing this hunting task you will get the following items:
- Pandora’s Kopis (Legendary Sword).
- XP.
- Drachmae.
Note: If you’ve been romancing Daphnae up to this point, you and her will share a bit of sexy time after you turn in the pelt (select every heart option).
The Kretan Bull (RL: 33)
- At this location you will find the Kretan Bull.
- The Kretan bull is a large, legendary animal you can fight.
At around the level 33 mark you will be able to hunt the Kretan Bull. This legenadry animal can be found in the Fertile Battleground in Messara. Head to the location marked on the map above to take on this giant bull. When you reach the marsh lands of the Fertile Battleground, the Kretan Bull will attack you. After killing this bull, make your way back to Daphnae to give her the Kretan Bull Pelt. For completing this legendary animal hunt you receive the following:
- Master’s Artemis Outfit (Legendary Torso).
- XP.
- Drachmae.
The Lykaon Wolf (RL: 36)
- At this hunting spot you will find the Lykaon Wolf.
- Get ready for a tough battle with the Lykaon Wolf.
So far we’ve hunted a variety of different animals, and that variety continues with our next target, the Lykaon Wolf. You will find this Legendary creature in the northwestern part of the Dioskouroi Peninsula in Lakonia. As you arena the Lykaon Wolf will attack you, plunging you deep into battle. When you take down this wolf, take the Lykoan Wolf Pelt to Daphnae. For you troubles, you will get the following rewards:
- Master’s Artemis Treads (Legendary Legs).
- XP.
- Drachmae.
Kallisto the Bear (RL: 37)
- Head to this location to hunt Kallisto the Bear.
- Kallisto the Bear is a giant Legendary Animal you need to kill.
If a hunting a legendary wolf wasn’t bad enough, it’s now time to take on a bear. That’s right. This hunt has us taking down a legendary animal by the name of Kallisto. To find this bear, make your way to the Golden Fields of Arkadia. Within the Gold Fields you will find Kallisto. When you’ve defeated Kallisto, take the Kallisto the Bear’s Pelt to Daphnae for these loots:
- Master’s Artemis Belt (Legendary Waist).
- XP.
- Drachmae.
The Erymanthian Boar (RL: 38)
- Head to this spot on the map to fight the Erymanthian Boar.
- Prepare to be poisoned when you fight the Erymanthian Boar.
It may feel like you’ve hunted a bunch of legendary animals up to this point, and you aren’t wrong. Thankfully for us, there are a only a couple of targets left for us to take out and the Erymanthian Boar is one of them. To hunt this legendary boar, make your way to the Erymanthos Foothills in Elis. The battle arena is located in an old settlement. Once you reach the settlement, you will be attacked by Erymanthian. Kill it and take the Erymanthian Boar’s Pelt to Daphnae for your rewards:
- Master’s Artemis Glove (Legendary Arms)
- XP.
- Drachmae.
Krokottas Hyena (RL: 39)
The final animal we will be hunting is the Krokotta Hyena. This legendary animal can be found in the southern park of Skandeia Bay in Kythera. When you reach the Skandeia Bay the Krokottas Hyena will engage with you. Defeat this legendary animal and take the Krokotta Hyena Pelt to Daphnae on Chios.For bringing her the final pelt she will reward you with the following items:
- Master’s Artemis Hood (Legendary Head)
- XP.
- Drachmae.
Artemis’s Request
After you complete all the hunting missions Daphnae has for you, she will mention that there is one more thing which must be done. Speak with her again and the Artemis’s Request mission will trigger. This mission has you decide if you wish to fight Daphnae to become the new leader of the Daughters Of Artemis, or leave the Huntress Village and always be attacked when you come near. Regardless of your chose, completing this mission awards you the Master of the Hunt achievement and the Daughters of Artemis Legendary Ship Cosmetic.
She’s in chios.
I have all my pelts but Daphnae is nowhere to be found! Any help? She’s not in Phokis at the temple where she has been for all the other deliveries. I have 3 pelts with me currently!
Any luck? I have 6 of the damn things and shes nowhere to be found.
I don’t want to have to start the game again just to get this single achievement thanks to a damn bug.
Look for her in Chios northwest on map