How to Setup Discord on PlayStation 5

PlayStation 5 and Discord connection.

It’s been a long time coming, but PlayStation 5 finally now supports the widely used game communication app Discord. This support began in the March 8th system update for PlayStation 5. Now that Discord is available you may be wondering how to setup Discord on PlayStation 5. The guide below walks you through all the steps to get you up and running.

Step 1: Download the PlayStation 5 Update

Before doing anything you need to ensure that you have the March 8th PlayStation 5 update downloaded and installed on your console. There are a variety of methods of doing this, but it should automatically install itself over time. If it doesn’t check out these methods of forcing the update to install provided by PlayStation.

Step 2: Connect Your Discord Account to Your PlayStation 5

Once you’ve installed the update on your PlayStation 5, the next step is to link your Discord and PlayStation 5 accounts together. To do this I recommend using the Discord App on PC or Mobile. On either platforms make your way to User Settings > Connections. In Connections you will see a PlayStation logo or the PlayStation Network (on Browser). Click/touch the logo to be prompted to login to your PlayStation account. Do this to link it to Discord.

Keep in mind that if you had previously linked your PlayStation Account before, you will have to link it again. This is required to grant the permissions needed to use the Voice functionality.

Step 3: Connect Your Discord on PS5

After you’ve connected the Discord to PS5 you need to connect your PS5 to the Discord account. To do this use your PS5 and go to Users and Accounts > Linked Services > Discord. Follow the directions on this screen to link your PS5 to your Discord.

Step 4: Transfer Voice Chat to PlayStation

PlayStation 5 Discord chat start on pc and mobile.
Image via Discord.

After you’ve connected your accounts the next step is to actually use Voice. To do this you have a couple of options. First you can set up your Voice chat on Desktop. Simply open Voice Chat and look for the icon that is a Phone and Controlled on the bottom portion of the screen. Push this button and you will be presented with the option of transferring the conversation to PlayStation. Select that option to begin chatting on your console.

The second option works similar to the PC method, but you do it on your phone. Open the Discord App on your mobile and start a Voice Chat. Slide up the Voice Chat Options and you will find the option to Join on PlayStation. Push it to move that chat to your console.

Once the chat is active on your PlayStation 5 you will see all of the standard Discord options you are use to. There is a little widget bar that appears allowing you to mute or lower the volume, or exit the call entirely.

Thoughts on our How to Setup Discord on PlayStation 5 guide? Drop them in the comments below.



A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

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