How to Access Isle of Armor in Pokemon Sword/Shield

The first expansion for Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield is called the Isle of Armor. This expansion features a new area, new Pokemon, and new characters to battle and meet. If you are wondering how to start the new DLC content you’ve come to the right place. Below is our guide showing you how to access Isle of Armor expansion.
Purchase & Download Expansion Content Update 1.1.2

Before you can gain access to the new area you will need to ensure you have the Expansion Pack purchased and the content installed. The update featuring the Isle of Armor is 1.2.0. Be sure you have this downloaded. If you are unsure highlight the game on your Nintendo Switch home screen and press +. This brings up a menu for the highlighted game. Select the Software Update tab and choose Via the Internet. This will search out and download the newest update for the game.
Use the Train In-Game to Travel to the Isle of Armor

Once your game is updated head into your saved game to receive the Armor Pass. With the Armor Pass in hand make your way to the Wedgehurst station. Speak to the man to the right of the ticket takers and select Armor Station. Once you do this you will travel to the new location where you will start the expansion content.
Keep it locked to HTR for more content regarding the Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield Isle of Armor update. There are plenty of guides to help you as you explore this new area and catch new Pokemon.